
With Christmas fast approaching, I hope everyone is coping as best as possible. Sending you all strength and hugs xx


Thanks for the wishes. @Ang2 .
This year will be my second Christmas without Penny. I decided all I wanted to do at future Christmases was spend time with her. That means being alone with her, with just our memories.
Last year, Xmas day was to be spent sitting on top of Flamborough head with a packed turkey dinner, the dogs decorated in tinsel, and playing my guitar to her. All weather dependant of course! As it turned out, I spent the day in bed with Covid.
This year Iā€™ll do something similar, hopefully without a health issue.
I have several invitations from friends and relatives, but as my wise niece said, ā€œThe problem is wherever you go, Penny isnt there!ā€. Iā€™d get very lonely and upset and try to think of an excuse to politely leave early. Thatā€™s no fun, so itā€™s not a good choice for me.
Itā€™s not a case of being Bah Humbug, itā€™s choosing to do whats the best of a bad job, and purely a personal choice. I might change in the future, but Im not ready for it yet.
PS I have no grandchildren, no doubt that would be an attraction to join in.
Whatever you all choose, I hope it goes extremely well.

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Thank you for the wishes. My Husband passed away suddenly aged 53 on 12 October. He was my soulmate and best friend, having been together since we were 16. December was our month. His Birthday, Christmas and then my Birthday.
Ian loved everything about Christmas. we usually have our lights up outside by now and our tree up this weekend. I have no interest at all this year.


I am dreading Christmas. My husband died very suddenly and unexpectedly nearly 10 weeks ago. The love of my life for 42 years. We didnā€™t have a family. Itā€™s his birthday on the 14th and then Christmas and the New Year to get through. I ā€˜ve been invited to relatives but I canā€™t put a brave face on for them and I canā€™t sit and look at an empty chair at the dinner table. Last year he took ill with COVID on Christmas Eve and then I had it by the New Year.I am having a really bad day so far, just with it drawing nearer and nearer. Honestly donā€™t know how Iā€™ll get through it, any of it.