
My 3rd Christmas without my husband of 40 years, I have an amazing family who really look after me, but I miss him so much. Christmas is especially hard as this is when he passed away so suddenly


@A140 hi, this also was my 3rd Xmas without my husband , we had been married 39 years , together since we were both 16 . I also have a wonderful family , but I still find this living / existing without him so hard . I get up each day and dread it , I go to work , then just go through the motions each day . I know chatting on this site has been a lifeline for me , hope it helps you the same way as it has me . Xtake carex


Yeh i lost my husband last xmas - tough innit :frowning: i found all those feelings from last year came bubbling up … at least you have a good family around you .x

It was my first Xmas last year without my beloved fiancé Steve and going into the new year crushed me as felt I was leaving him behind mixed emotions of hurt , regret , anger , and self loathe I have some good friends but they are busy etc sometimes I feel my life can’t go on then I remember he wouldn’t want me to feel like that so for a little comfort I play his music he use to do on his radio shows as he was a entertainer and DJ his memory and music will always live on in myself losing him last july2023 so suddenly crushed my whole world how do you carry on etc it’s hard but each day I’m grateful I’m still here x

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Yeh its so hard isnt it ? Feels like your whole world has been tirned upside down !! I trusted my husband so much with my heart … its hard to trust people these days ! As you say they always seem to be “busy” huh … avoiding it more like !!! Xx


Yes avoiding I do speak to my friends but when I mention my beloved they change the subject so I feel alone I don’t drink Much to be fair since he passed away I’ve hardly had anything just wish he’d got the help he needed sad part is his daughter argued with him the night before he passed then I got blamed for taking some personal stuff and I was classed a thief just so unfarex

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Oh i know people dont ! Sorry im totally disillusioned with the human race at minute xx

What do you means Debra

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About taling about you husband/wife who passed away … people seem to just avoid mentioning their name ! Makes me so mad !! I love to talk about him … he was my world for 37 years … i just dont like how insensitive people are :frowning: its so very mean !! And im disillusioned with the human race because it is awful … a lot are anyway :(,Xxx

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Yes debs get where your coming from it’s like they try to avoid the subject unless they have been through what we have losing someone you love isn’t easy my fiancé died suddenly without warning something I’ll never get over just wish we had more time together

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