My wife and I had two beautiful cavalier King Charles dogs sadly both now gone,
A few years ago I bought her a wall clock in the shape of a cavy whose tail was the pendulum and goes up and down.
The room in which it’s mounted I haven’t been in much until yesterday,the clock caught my eye and I realised I hadn’t adjusted it from last spring,so the last time it was accurate my wife was still alive,ime afraid I fell apart.
Yes, it’s the little things. Today I had to drive to meet someone; the last time I went to that village was 11 months ago, and it was when I got home that the police came round to tell me John had died. It was hard, very hard to take that same road. Another first over with; but each time there’s a ‘first’, it puts them further into the past.
Sometimes its difficult to explain the things that trigger a meltdown. I went into the garage and saw my husbands jacket hanging on the dropsaw - he was a builder- as if he’d just popped out. Breaks me every time x