Community Bereavement Cafe today 02/06/21 at 3.30pm

Hi everyone,

We’re going to be running our second community bereavement cafe today.

What is the community bereavement cafe?
The community bereavement cafe is a space where you can chat online in this topic at a set time each week and get text-based support from members of the community. There will be a staff member or volunteer to offer support and moderate to make sure it remains a safe and support space.

When will it be taking part?
It will be taking place today Wednesday 2 June 2021 at 3.30pm-5pm. This topic will be opened at this time, and you can post a message in here from 3.30pm.

What can I talk about?
You can talk about anything that’s on your mind, whether you want to get support from other members here or have a general chat about anything. Our usual Community Guidelines will still apply so make sure to have a read of them if you’re not too familiar with them.

If you have any questions, you can email :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, our bereavement cafe is now open. Feel free to post any messages below. How are you today?

Hi, I’m feeling terrible, definitely going backwards. Lost my dear Dad 11 weeks ago and every day it seems to be getting harder. I don’t know how much longer I can keep trying. I don’t recognise myself anymore or this so called life I’m left with.

Thank you for joining @Gee1. I’m hearing how difficult the loss of your Dad has been which is understandable to hear. You mentioned that every day is feeling harder and you feel you’re going backwards. This sounds really tough to be going through. Are you receiving any support outside of the community at the moment?

There has been no activity on my screen for the last 40 minutes or so. Is there something wrong with my connection, or is there nobody else in the cafe who would like to chat?
(Gee, I remember some of the online chats we have had when you first joined and I have been thinking of you, You received a lot of supportive messages from other users.)

It’s a little quiet today @Jo60plus :slight_smile: How are you? It’s really nice weather here in London today. I hope you’ve got some nice weather too!

It’s lovely weather here too. We even had to get the parasols up to get some shade in the garden when we had our lunch. I am looking forward to meeting up with good friends tomorrow for the first time since this lockdown started. Good friends are special.

@Jo60plus I’m glad you have some good weather too! That’s nice you’re meeting up with some friends tomorrow for the first time since lockdown! Having good friends around are a much needed source of support. Have you got anything nice planned for when you meet up tomorrow?

Nothing special, just a nice meal. We will have so much to talk about, time will fly.

I hope you have a lovely time. Hopefully the good weather stays for tomorrow too :slight_smile:

Thank you @Gee1 and @Jo60plus for joining today. I’ll be closing this topic soon but if you’d like any further support, you’re welcome to create a new topic. It’s been lovely chatting today. Speak to you soon :slight_smile: