Completely illogical

Hello all , id like to know if anyone else has done any illogical things like i am now after their loss . I havent slept in my bed since the night before i lost my beloved mum . I cant bring myself to sleep there as i feel like i slept there the night before she passed away when i should have been with her at the hospital , and in not being there the night before i wasnt there when she left me early next morning . I cant explain it but its just something i cant get past .

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Sorry for your loss. :heart: Absolutely. I haven’t slept in my bed either, I sleep in different room, and I just can’t bring myself to cook proper meals, I live on sandwiches and ready-made meals. Lots of other little things too. It’s hard to explain, as you say, but I think it’s normal, our brains are playing tricks on us and stuff that reminds us too much of our loved ones become impossible.

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Hi Tottie,
I am so sorry. I had to leave my mum in hospital as I live 3 hours away and had to work. She held on for 4 more days and I had planned to go back at the weekend but she passed on the Thursday. I think I knew in my heart when I said goodbye on the Sunday that I wouldn’t see her again, but the guilt was horrible.
Can you try sitting on your bed for a while quietly to start, then maybe go from there.
Tiny steps. Xx