
I am always wary of passing on potentially scary inaccurate information, and I am sorry if I have this wrong.
There are several posts which suggest that a visit to a GP might be helpful, and I’m sure that is often true.
If depression is clinically diagnosed, and if you declare this in certain quarters there can be some unforeseen consequences.
Car insurance premiums can rocket. Perhaps there aren’t many people on the forum with Firearm Certificates, but if you have, then I believe that there is now a requirement for GPs to notify the police of such a diagnosis. It can potentially lead to the revocation of the Certificate, or the temporary seizure of your property (guns) pending an investigation.

You make some good points Edwin. I’ve visited my GP only once since my husband passed 19 months ago and that was in the very early days simply to get a sick note for work. I have never considered myself to be depressed, I am bereaved and grieving which I think is different from depression. I don’t sleep well but I would never take any form of medication. However, that’s me and I do not stand in judgement. It’s whatever feels right for the individual. Apologies if I sound a little righteous. Xx

It’s certainly a difficult conundrum to fathom isn’t it? There are clear distinctions apparently but yet the edges are incredibly blurred. I’ve been diagnosed as clinically depressed but maintain its a prolonged grief reaction. If we were able to go back in time or have our loved ones back with us then whatever feeling “it” is, or might be, would no longer be and life would be colourful again. That would surely be the quickest recovery from this so-called “depression” man has ever seen.
On the “consequences” theme, sadly if a person has got to the point of a clinical depression diagnosis it’s often the case that he/she is emotionally incapable of rationally deliberating over any possible consequence of choices we make. The ability to do so is simply off the radar.
Yet again, it’s sadly another facet to loss that seems to have no clear-cut answer. Take care both.