Constantly tired

Lost my mum in November she was my best friend I have nearly two year old every day I wake up exhausted and just so drained everyday and don’t want to anything. I want be my happy normal self again and be a good mum but I just don’t feel like that at the minute ….

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Dear @Meganf

So sorry to hear of the loss of your mum. You are still grieving and in the early stages of grief. It is a horrible emotional journey with good days and bad days and it is exhausting. You will be tired with it all as it is mentally and physically draining. Your life has suddenly been turned upside down.

Sue Ryder has some resources that may be of help and support to you at this time. It would be worth you taking a look at them.

  • The self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you through your grief Grief Guide
  • Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS. This service is also useful for family and friends
  • Information on the Stages of Grief
  • Bereavement Information pages which can walk you through what you are going through
  • There is also a blog on Losing a Parent which may be of help and support to you.

I am sure you are a good mum, your tiredness is making you think differently and in time you will be back to your usual self, grief drains you. You need to be gentle with yourself and take one day at a time. Grief is journey to be taken at your pace, there is no time limit. We the Community are here for you, we understand what it is like, you are not alone.

Sending you hugs. Take care.

Peppers xx


Thank you so much for your reply I do get the text messages and they help sometimes.

Thanks again

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