I cannot come to terms with losing my wife to secondary breast cancer on 6th April. I find myself in tears, several times a day, every day and I don’t really know why I should continue to live.
@Springbok1 dear springbok i am so very sorry for the loss of your wife and that you are going through this heartbreak. It’s early days for you so it’s still so very raw. I know how much harder it is with mental health issues as well. The feeling of wanting to give up. But please keep on going. I’m sure your wife would want you to. I know the loneliness is also hard. Do you have friends and family for support? I’m coming up to 2years and 3months this week since my partner died. I also suffer with depression and have obsessive compulsive disorder and also a borderline personality disorder. But no matter how i feel and believe me as much as half of me wants to give up. I can’t and won’t. I keep on going for my partner and our dog and 2 cats. Our partners love is always with us and nothing can take that away from us. You are not alone and there are people that care. This community is very supportive and caring. Keep talking on here and reach out as much as you need to. Also are there any groups you could join in your area. Sending a hug take care. Casey x
I know how you feel mate, lost my wife of 45 years in february and feel just the same and struggle to see the point of going on without her. We need to get out of bed in the morning and just keep going, when I get up in the morning I have a desperate need to get out of the house, I feel the walls closing in on me.
I have just come back from the cemetary looking for some answers but the answer lies with us, we need to just keep living untill we come to terms with what has happened to us, when you feel that you can’t cope you need to phone someone to be with you, no matter what time of the day it is, do not be afraid to ask for help.
Keep going mate, it’s got to get better.