Coping mechanisms

Hello all
I am new here.
I have been reading the brave and honest posts you all have been sharing about your lost loved once.

I though about creating this post to help one another in our grieving journey by sharing coping mechanisms/strategies you found helpful along your journies.

Can I kindly ask you to only post the coping mechansism/strategies that you found helpful?

I am sharing one that I personally found helpful.
I try to hone in on what I miss most by asking the question “What do I miss most from my daughter’s absence? The beautiful past we shared, her abscence from the present or the future we could have had?”

Hi @Taken_too_soon,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,


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Hello I find that playing my mums favourite music brings me comfort. It reminds me of the good times we had.

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