Coping strategies for moving forward

My wife was a gifted teacher, originally English but then did her MA in SEN. She also qualified as a counsellor and helped countless children to cope with bereavement and plans / coping strategies were at the forefront. I wish she w

With a terminal illness I believe the bereavement process starts soon after diagnosis and affects both the patient and the family around them.

Concentrate on my own health and fitness
Try to socialise and get better at going out
Restart my enthusiasm for photography
Restart my passion for cycling
Avoid negative energy/ thoughts
Steer away from negative people / situations
Work to support other family members that are struggling to cope
Build in time for ME

I will do some paid work in my retirement but will cherry pick the work I want to do.


@Cat_fan these all sound like excellent strategies going forward. I wish you every success. I’ve had a struggle throughout this year after the death of my Mum in January. I try to be a ‘pro active’ griever because I am aware of the theory, but my motivation and zest for life has been severely diminished. It doesn’t help that I am still trying to complete my Mum’s estate as the sale of her house has been disastrous. All we can do is keep going… best wishes xx

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I hope that you manage to get the financial and legal matters closed so that you can move on and get some closure yourself.

I’m hoping that the strategy and mindset will help me and I can make some headway. I’m expecting some potholes in the road though as I go along my way.

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