Coping with bereavement

I lost my lovely wife last year after 53yrs of marriage I don’t no what i would have done without the wonderful support of my lovely Son & Daughter who have been. there when I have felt down

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Hello Lucky5136.
How lovely that your son and daughter have been there for you when you have needed them, you have all of us now too.
I hope you don’t feel down too often but if you do you will always have the lovely people here.
Losing a loved one after such a long time together ,can leave a lot of lovely memories as well as gaping hole in our lives can’t it? I too was married for over 50 years and lots of us here, like you and I, know how painful it can be. It’s good that you’ve joined us here so that we can support each other.

That is so lovely of you to reply and I was sorry to hear that you also had been married for 50yts

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