Coping With Loss Of Partner

Last week I lost my partner Michele.
We had bèen together for 25 years.
I am struggling to cope with this loss, I know people keep saying it’s early days and it is, but I really don’t know how to even start to process the loss of Michele.
I am struggling to even get up and out of bed, I don’t sleep, I walk around the house in a daze most of the day.
Her funeral is in two weeks and people say this is
when you will see signs of how to go forward !!!
How I am having to say goodbye again to the love of my life my life


It was 5 weeks for me.
I’d be careful listening to others.
They mean well but don’t often know how to help.

It takes a long time and you don’t HAVE to do anything.

Keep a diary maybe, make a note of one,positive thought a day.

This can include a happy memory,which - as does for me - reduce me to tears.

Tears are a way of being close,is my way of taking it.

You go forward together, I think

It’s hard, I know that much. But treat yourself kindly and let the memory of him protect you, as you know he would want the best for you

It’s been 8 1/2 months since Dawid passed, just before out 24th wedding anniversary. The Coroner said his heart just stopped. he was healthy, all tests were neg for something wrong. he turned 45 1 week to the day before he died. I’m 72 and miss my husband so very much.

One thing i learned over this time is how easy it is for others to seperate themselves from you and your life. I can’t deal with the silence and decided to go back home to America where I have family and grandkids. So now I am trying to arrange the move and selling out home. I never thought I’d reach this point but for my sanity I need to make this change. I have his ashes so he will be moving with me.

I started posting here about a month after he passed and found so much support and I’ve done my best to support others as well. I am posting this to say THANK YOU to all those to entered my life through Sue Ryder. I won’t forget you guys.

I’ll go now and look forward into the future. Bless each of you reading this.

Audrey Rose