coping with multiple deaths

I found this site after a volunteer knocked on my door fundraising, i was unable to help as i have just moved in here and funds are tight.

Basically, i am now 47 but my journey started in 2005, i still lived with my mum as she had been ill for many years, my dad had left us when i was 7 and my elder sister had moved out and got married.

in 2005 everything changed, my mum died suddenly from an unexpected stroke, three years later my best friend died from complications of diabetes, in 2010 both my auntie and uncle died within a month of each other, in 2012 my sister died, in 2014 my dad died then in 2019 my cousin passed away.

amongst all that i have been diagnosed with anaemia, and am T1 diabetic, i have since been forced to leave my family home and move into a bungalow (both council) it was for the best as my mental health had suffered so much but i kept getting complaint from neighbour that i wasnt looking after the garden (i had basically stopped careing about anything)

I now believe that all the grief is all tied up together and i had been unable to process one death before the next hit me, people have told me i should be over it all by now but i now realise it doesnt work like that.

anyway sorry for the long post but i’ve been reading other peoples stories and its nice to know i’m not alone or going mad!

Hello @MCC, thank you for reaching out. I hope you find the community to be a support to you, but I’m sorry for the losses that bring you here.

You might want to connect with @Dave28, who recently started this thread: Multiple loss

You may also find these Sue Ryder resources helpful:

Take good care - you are not alone.


MCC, you definitely aren’t alone, from March 2020 to Jan 2022 i’ve lost my best friend, my father, my aunt & two other close friends. At times it’s overwhelming & you don’t know which way to turn. I wish you well & all we can do is take each day as it comes.

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