Coping with the aftermath

How do people cope with the aftermath? So many reminders of my dad and experiences and things id normally message him about. We both had the same sense of humour and I feel like theres no one that gets me quite like he did.

Currently off work on compassionate leave but when is it time to return?

I was able to speak to the icu today to find out how and why he was so sick when he was a young healthy man. The upshot was he was unlucky! 1 in 5 people with similar presentation die and he was the 1. It feels unfair.

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Sorry to hear this. I think the reminders lessen off after a while. Mum lived with us and she is everywhere to me. Unbearable in the first weeks, but I’m starting to accept it now. My mum, although old, was not expected to die and I’m questioning the hospital.
We lost my mum four months ago, and I took 3 weeks off (mix of special leave, annual leave and sick leave) but I’m sure it’s different for everyone. Some need more some want to be back to work as soon as they are able to. Funerals take a while to organise too. Wishing you all the best.

Thank you. We had the funeral last week which has brought a bit of closure as these things do. Its that reflex of something happening or seeing something funny/annoying and going to send him a message and then realising he isnt there to read it anymore.

I dont know what to do for the best. Although im still randomly bursting into tears. I am conscious that outside of doing the school and nursery runs etc im just sat at home.

I am so sorry for your loss. Regardless of age and how it happened losing a loved one is never easy and i hope you have people supporting you. I hope you get some answers from the hospital. Although it was very sad, i did find it helpful to have 15 minutes just to go through my dads journey atthe hospital and ask those what if questions that had been bouncing around my brain.

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Thank you. Im still bursting into tears randomly. Often it’s when I think I’m ok and something small triggers it. Finding answers is important but the shock takes quite a while to get over. It will gradually get easier though I hope x

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