
I Posted before on this page before the loss of my wife Ann she fought cancer for 9 years a fighter to the last, during the 1980 she did Thai boxing and became world champion fighting in Holland and France to gain the title it was not as popular then as it is now but she always followed the sport to the day we lost her. I followed her every were and I was her greatest fan but years of happiness seem to be a distant memory and I miss her so much now , I didn’t know grief was so painful as it is now. I


Hello Holmesy, yes grieving is hard and horrible, so sorry but until it happens to us, the individual, we don’t know just how hard and horrible.
Your wife sounds an amazing lady with such strength and determination to have such a life time achievement woo! Her fighting sprite showed all the way through her illness. You both must have had a fantastic life together.
Just hold onto those memories, they will help you get through this, we all hold onto our memories for the comfort they bring. I pleased you have posted, just knowing there’s others who our in the same position and non of us knows just how to get through, we just know we do. Stay safe and look after yourself. Sxx