
Hi just wondering if anyone is available for a chat

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Hi @ Jeanpo. There’s always some people here to talk to. Feel free to chat on here or message me. Night times can be a difficult time for us all xx

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Hi thank you. Yes I am finding it a bit difficult at the moment

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I’m up and online too. Do you want to tell us what makes it so difficult right now? Sending hugs. :people_hugging:

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Hi thanks for the offer of support, but I decided to go to bed and I put my bose ear plugs in and listened to some music. Sometimes I just get an overwhelming feeling of sorrow that I find difficult to cope with and I had that again last night. I am back in my coping place now for another day, but thank you for the offer of support x I hope you are okay as well because like me you were awake late last night. If you need to talk I am here for you x


Thank you. I’m glad you managed to distract yourself last night. I know that overwhelming feeling well and it’s awful. I hope today will be easier. :heart:

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Hi, glad listening to some music helped you, swimming and gardening are mine and I always have music on playing in the background. Take care

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Same here, I feel sensitive most days and it doesn’t take long for the tears to come. I think we all need each other, but we know deep down in our hearts that it won’t help our loss. I don’t know if this is depression or not ? as I never suffered with depression in the past.

Hi Keith, I know what you mean about the depression. I have always been a strong minded person and always had the mindset of nothing was impossible if you tried hard enough. And I have always chosen to have a positive outlook. But the loss of my son put me in a place I have never been before. The sheer overwhelming sense of sorrow and loss can sometimes be totally overwhelming. And I soppose it is a form of depression. I am glad I found people to talk to who understand that feeling. If you ever need to chat I am here x

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Same Jeanpo, yea it’s not easy. You got to experience it to understand it. I never thought this be my life, it’s like a train wreck and i’ve come off the tracks. Even seeing a elderly person gets me thinking about mum. If I see a daughter out with her mum I think how lucky they are. I was very close to mum I could confide in her, tell her anything. She was always there for me, until she couldn’t. Life in today’s world is hard.

Yea life can be difficult. Last year and earlier this year I also lost my brother and sister in law. Also my sister is living with cancer. Both my parents have passed away, my dad died when I was only 9 years old. My mom ( bless her) lived to a wonderful age of 96. I also lost my other sister to cancer 30 years ago, so I have sadly experienced death on more than one occasion. But losing my son is the worst feeling in the world

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We just have to soldier through it all, day by day. We have no choice, I wished we did.

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Feeling so sad today like something is eating away at my chest the pain that i wake upto everyday. My heart aches. Had to go through my parent’s belongings yesterday and clear the house out that wasnt nice at all and its really hit me today been very tearful all night and this morning. Its only 3 month’s since my dad’s passed and 4 months since my mum passed its all jist too much i thought i was doing okay but now feel worse than i did a month ago. Just can’t believe they have both gone feels more real now. Doesn’t help that i have to clear the house out and losing our family home will i ever catch a break and start to feel better.

Hi, it is still very raw for you it has not been that long and to lose both parents in a short time apart is even harder. There is nothing you can do to ease the pain I have realised that. We have to learn how to cope with it, at first I tried to surpress the feeling but it just made me feel worse so now I allow the moments of sorrow and grief to enter my head. Whenever these happen I try to busy myself with jobs or I go out to the shops. I don’t think it’ll ever be easy and we will never get over our loss but we learn to cope with it better. X

I’m sorry today is not a good day for you. Just take the day hour by hour if you can, keep busy, exercise if you can is a great outlet. Nothing can ease the pain you feel and what we all feel. I found writing a private journal to myself helps as well. However, this forum is a life line. Take care and be kind to yourself xx

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Happy for you that you feel here is a lifeline. You can get quite a lot of up beat comments on here and when you have good days and someone is in the place where you was, you can help them. I like the idea of people helping others. I took some of mum’s clothes to a Sue Ryder shop today. I wanted to give something back it felt like the right thing to do.

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Is good to talk to people who understands how we all feel. Not doing too well this week think being of work this week and going through my parents belongings haven’t helped so hoping its just one of those weeks and hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Yes i took so much to charity today was nice knowing someone may benefit from the bits i took in. I sit here now writing this and feel so tired but cannot switch off i try to read before bed do puzzles but still cant switch off. Anyone got any ideas on what else i can do i just see images of my dad his look on his face when i found him i just cant stop thinking about him :pensive:

You going need time, I referred to things as triggers was having coffees with friends earlier and friend said his dad rung him one night and instead of saying I talk to you tomorrow, his dad told him he loved him. That triggered my emotions just like now. My mum said the same to me when I visited her. So it triggered me, I don’t know what to say what will make you feel better. Just live each day as it comes and try to set yourself goals. At least you have work to distract you.

Hi, I understand exactly what you mean. I kept re-living the moments of my son passing away, and for about 6 months it consumed me. I still have those moments but they are becoming fewer now. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to stop them as I think it is all part of the grieving process. Like you I work and it definitely helps me because I can focus my mind on other things. I think just keep busy as much as possible. The night times will always be the worst, when I get those thoughts now I try to think about happier times with my son. The only thing that is going to ease the pain is time xx

You still get upset, it’s understandable. There’s not much you can do. Maybe listen to music, do some cleaning at the same time. I always feel better doing that