Good evening everyone. Been reading all the posts . I must say thank you to everyone for your very kind words . Obviously a very difficult day for me and at one stage wasnt feeling well at all ( probably helped on by the heat). I made a call to Cruse and that really helped ( I had planned to anyway).
I bought Mum some lovely flowers and got some touching messages from friends and my relatives in Australia. All the cards are up from recent years that I had kept. I even saw a robin this morning which I now always regard as a sign.
For all of this these anniversaries are so, so hard but all we can do is get through the best we can .
Sending love and best wishes to you all
Neil x


I treasure this photo with all my heart. My Mums friend had this made into a frame and I have it near my chair. Taken on Mumā€™s 80th birthday in 2019. She didnt look any different the day before she went into hospital xx


Thank you for sharing such a fantastic photo Neil and your wee Robin proves you werenā€™t truly alone :two_hearts: xx


A lovely picture Neil and glad that also we have the sadness you can still feel the glints of happy memories and love.

best, Beki x


Your mum looks so young for her age, a lovely photo.
Debbie X


@christine51ā€¦just the start of my wee bit garden and when Iā€™m off Iā€™ll actually maybe get to sit in my new chair lol x
I have green paint to paint the fence but itā€™s not a job I want to do so keep putting it off lol x


Hi Suzanne.

Painting is very therapeutic I find, Iā€™ll be on the next train up !


Hi all

Youā€™ve all put up some wonderful pictures of your Mums,



What a fun-loving happy soul she looks Christine xx


Thats a really lovely photo Neil. xx


Last summer I painted all my fences and garden shed. Iā€™m such a messy painter I was covered in as much paint as was on the fence. I gave my self targets and rewards to get it done. Paint two panels I was allowed cup of tea and biscuit.
Good luck. X


Thatā€™s a good idea Debbie. xx


Hi Christine

How is the Covid?

Just heard my Neighbour in his garden telling his mate heā€™s set up CCTV in his bedroom window overlooking his workshops, which means our garden as well. Is there no where you can be these days in privacy. I know heā€™s not looking at me for any funny reason, not like your neighbour. Think Iā€™ll go out and sunbathe topless that will soon make him unplug it.

Well Iā€™ll go and do some jobs Christine. Iā€™ve watered the Hydrangea and hope it comes back but it looked in a right state this morning so that will be an achievement if it comes round.

Catch you later xx


Thank you all for the lovely comments about Mumā€™s photo. She didnā€™t like her picture taken and this was one of the last taken of her . Itā€™s still so hard to get into my head that she apparently hadnā€™t been well for quite a well even though she didnt look any different to this photo the day before she passed. I always said she looked at least 10 years younger and always looked after her skin . But the combination of an unknown infection and undetected heart conditions which had turned to the deadly ( 90% mortality with heart failure I was told). She just had so many things against her ( acidosis and severe fluid retention too) which I found out after and it is so difficult to take. At least she was asleep when she passed and that is at least some comfort .
Sending you all love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Neil and everyone else because Iā€™m finding it really hard to post today,
Neil, Iā€™m so pleased you managed to get through your mamā€™s birthday and had kind messages from family and friends. Your mam looks great. Iā€™m really pleased you have such a wonderful pic of her to have with you. I hate having my pic taken too so there arenā€™t many. Iā€™m usually the one taking the photo. Youā€™ll be able to look forward to your trips out now with a lighter heart. I think your mamā€™s birthday has brought back all the upset for me too. And posting mams pics set me off on wanting to have just a bit more time with her. She really did love life even though she had many health things to cope with later on. Since she has left my life has stopped. I wish it had stopped when she was still here so I could have enjoyed that time with her. Now she isnā€™t here nothing that mattered before matters now. I should have been less driven and focused more on mam and enjoying doing stuff with her. I didnā€™t know that was the most important bit in life.
Debbie, thank you for posting the pics of the house. It always intrigues me how living in opulence must mold a person beyond the norm, though I thought it would be more lavish. Maybe too much Downton Abbey. Hope you enjoyed the birthday party. Making new memories is what life is all about.
Suzanne, your garden looks fab. Tina and Debbie are right about painting being therapeutic and having rewards. If you do a panel a day over the summer youā€™ll get through it. You have a blank canvas which will make it easy to get it done. I have to repaint the grey panels going up the garden and repaint the top ones but with plants and climbers in the way, and wire mesh, itā€™ll be very difficult. Swap you! You could string some fairy lights all the way along. Be very cosy on an evening now that the nights are coming in by 9 here. Goingto rain next week (thank goodness) so push for painting according to the forecast. That will give you your timeframe. Thought you had included the street light in your garden but then realised its the bird feeding station!
Beki, I think I will print off some pics to have all around me and then I wonā€™t be as shocked when I see mam. I think avoiding looking is making my grief worse. Iā€™m waiting for my shopping delivery and Iā€™m in floods of tears again. Just canā€™t stop. Itā€™s funny how cats always have to be including themselves in whatever is going on. The cats from along the doors all lounge around wanting cuddles and chicken. Porscha watches them and me as if to say ā€˜Sheā€™s my mam!ā€™. Itā€™s a never ending chicken run with buying, defrosting, chopping up into tupperware , cooking, cooling and storing, ready to be then taken out again and warmed and softened for the next meal. My days are shaped by tending to Porscha. I really will be totally lost without her.
Tina, I think my mamā€™s hydrangea has lost its battle but I will try cuttings. I did that with the one I moved when I did the patio and they have grown well. Itā€™s a shame your neighbour is getting cameraā€™s. I find it totally invasive and have yet to get mine up again. Was waiting for my niece to try her phone but then I got the covid. At least you know itā€™s not going to be used to watch you. I got the 2 posts up and attached to the fence (massive job) and prepared the bits for attaching to the pergola to strengthen the top and the comments from the creep when he got back was that he was surprised Iā€™d done such a good job !!! The arrogance on him. I presume that being a woman makes me sub standard and not capable of doing a good job. I hate him. Heā€™s still not gone out so Iā€™m not going out there. My resolve to not be bothered by him is very different when heā€™s actually there. But I was able to have my windows open in the sitting room last night and now because he canā€™t see down the garden (I hope). Waiting to finish the job from yesterday. I ran out of energy. And then had the fishtank to clean. But I did it. Just cleaning the bathroom now. Will post pics of my progress today.
I just feel so utterly sad and desperately missing my mam. Iā€™m punishing myself for being independent of her, not spending more time with her. I know itā€™s silly because I was the one who went over there throughout the week and did all the jobs that needed doing. But because of their move, covid and mamā€™s health the routine of going stopped and I was trapped at home a lot of the time with my anxiety. I feel so guilty. I just want to tell her Iā€™m sorry for not being there like I should have. I would go and live in the garden, sleep under the bench, live in the cupboard, anything just to have her back. Iā€™m balling my eyes out again and my shopping will be here soon.
Lucy and Michelle, sending you love. Iā€™m not in the best place myself. Just swamped with missing mam. I just canā€™t accept sheā€™s not here. I want so badly to tell her how devastated I am that sheā€™s not here and if she can Iā€™ll swap places with her so I can watch her carry on loving life as she did. I feel so empty without her here.
Nic, hope you are enjoying the summer hols while they are here. I was saying to Debbie about making new memories. Thatā€™s what youā€™re doing for the girls. Theyā€™ll be back at school again soon and youā€™ll feel a little lost without them. Hope everything else is going the way you want it to as well.
Neil, I am pleased you celebrated your mamā€™s birthday and can now get back on an even keel again with things to look forward to. Sorry if Iā€™ve not been more helpful. I am just so broken again.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
Thank you for the kind words. We are the people that understand how difficult this is with the emotions up and down all the time.
A friend said to me yesterday ā€™ you have to move on and concentrate on the futureā€™. They havent lost their parents and they dont live with them either so have no clue about the grieving process. Thatā€™s why sometimes I prefer to talk to Cruse/Samaritans as they know how to help people and they listen and dint judge you.
Will be glad when/if that rain comes next week !
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi all

Well its a Friday, the day Mum left so always feels a bit weird. I have no idea how many weeks and wonā€™t figure it out.

Just had a nice online meeting with my director who is very caring and understanding though she did say it was nice to hear me more upbeat and that sent me into a panic. I know people say this as a positive thing but whenever people say I am doing well or better than they thought etc I just want to scream I feel like shit. Or when I am having an okay moment I almost feel guilty. Yet I know my mum would want me to be happy - full stop, no questions asked!

@christine51 so sorry you are having a hard time. Sending a massive virtual hug which has the advantage of not being hot! The feeling of wanting to be with our Mums is so strong. I have almost trained my brain like an artificial intelligence so when I speak to her in my head it says back what she would say - I knew her that well. I keep dwelling on the nasty things I said to her or times I was grumpy in the last few weeks but it was all exhaustion and frustration, and I know she knew that. And she said some horrible things in pain etc and I sure as hell donā€™t hold them against her as I know they were just moments but brains can be right arses!!

I do love seeing her face, even if at times it makes me cry. It is making me teary typing this but you know, so what. As Granddad said, if I canā€™t cry for Mum who can you cry for? Just need to remember to laugh to - she always said it was her favourite sound in the world, me laughing.

@NEILB72 my Mum was 70 and was often mistaken for being in her 50s, she swore by Oil or Olay! I think that makes it a bit harder too - our Mums looked great on the surface but sadly under the hood was problems. And although I wish I still had Mum and would happily care for her, she hated the lack of independence, she hated the thought of getting older so perhaps better me in pain now than her.

@Suzanne30 the garden space looks lovely .

I am over this bloody heatwave! Had to start a 3rd blood pressure medication this week so not sure if feeling sickly etc is side effects, peri-menopause, heat related, anxiety or all of the above. Have had pain in my calves too, feels like sciatica though could be side effects lack of electrolytes so just drunk a berocca. Tastes yuck but at least my pee will glow in the dark for the next day!!

Beki x


Hi Neil,
Itā€™s so true that people who have never experienced it cannot possibly has insight, no matter how well intentioned they might be. I know it would have come from a loving place though, for you to find some relief. Theyā€™ll remember you when it happens to them and theyā€™ll understand where you are now. I canā€™t ring like you do because the creep listens to everything and comments on whatever I do. Think heā€™s just left for work so I can get out and water the garden. It seemed to be a retreat from crying but itā€™s started out there too when Iā€™m just sitting. Itā€™s knowing mam will never do the things she loved and I just want her to be with me. I wish Iā€™d never left home so I could have had more time with her. But dad used to drive me mad. Iā€™ve never understood him as a person, the way he thinks and his attitudes. Itā€™s his birthday next week. I still donā€™t understand why he has abandoned me for being grief stricken but my others sisters are allowed to be. Iā€™ve never been crying me eyes out in front of him, wailing for her as we went round the garden centre (imagine!). I can control myself. Just heard the creep, he hasnā€™t left. Hope he does soon and I have a full day and late evening.
Hereā€™s my jobs from yesterday:
Filling the gap with decking boards which I will paint green so they blend in and I have a plastic trellis to add when finished to hide them:

Used lots of fixings to strengthen. I like seeing the workings of a thing so wonā€™t hide the clips.

Struts prepared to attach fence tops to pergola to strengthen.

Hope he doesnā€™t cut the boundary growth on the other side of the fence

Will repeat the process further along to anchor again

You would not believe how hot I was and the time it took to just do what I did. Seeing the pics looks like a small job. Will be glad to get them finished. Have plastic to add to the trellis tops so I have more privacy.
Be glad of the rain just so I can have a rest! Never been so busy, covid or not. Feeling a lot better today, but then I havenā€™t done anything yet.
Do you have anything planned for the weekend? You could see what that lovely church has on.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Beki,
I know that guilty attachment to feeling ok, like Iā€™m being disloyal. I really thought Iā€™d come through the worst but itā€™s as intense now as it ever was when it hits. The garden is no refuge from the crying. I canā€™t help but imagine mam with me while I sit in the shade. Itā€™s what I enjoyed doing with her because I find it hard to stop and rest and she was a gage on time. Iā€™ve started getting the icelollies in that she always had as treats when I went over. Everything reminds me of her. So however well you are doing now it doesnā€™t mean that youā€™ll be back to ā€˜square oneā€™ . But it is lovely that you have such caring and understanding bosses. That is one battle you donā€™t need to take on like so many I imagine. Thursday is my day for mam leaving and I know itā€™s 37 weeks because I ploughed through my diary so I didnā€™t forget. I donā€™t know the number. It has no significance other than itā€™s such a long time. I canā€™t comprehend time now. Itā€™s all a blur. Thank you for your not hot hug! I know I keep punishing myself with not being perfect and not seeing her enough and being so stressed because of the creep and situation that was ongoing. Mam understood my anxiety and that I was under immense stress but it doesnā€™t take the guilt away that I could have not been like that, not told her everything that was going on and been so angry about it all. I donā€™t hold back, so when Iā€™m angry Iā€™m explosive about it, when Iā€™m sad Iā€™m absolutely destroyed. Itā€™s not a mental condition. Iā€™m just a very passionate creature! I loved mam more than anybody I have ever loved and will continue to do so. I canā€™t switch it off or turn it down. Wish I could. I wouldnā€™t be in torment if I could pause it until I saw her again.
Iā€™m so pleased you have the loving support of your grandad. I just donā€™t understand my dad. How can you disown a daughter who loved her mam so much? It makes no sense. And I was saying this to Neil, itā€™s not like Iā€™m sobbing in the garden centre to embarrass him. I have always hidden who I am from him anyway so not getting upset in front of him isnā€™t that different. But what really hurts is that my other 2 sisters are allowed to be upset. He acknowledged how upset they were in the same sentence as telling me I would have a miserable life if I didnā€™t stop hiding away in my grief for mam. Itā€™s so unfair.
You mention to Neil about your mamā€™s face cream. Mam look young too and had the same skincare routine. I was really upset when I asked to take one and nobody could tell me where they were. Same for her makeup and perfumes. It wasnā€™t to use but to think of her. It was the same with her clothes. Even my niece said how nasty they had been to do the clothes and not include me in it because I wasnā€™t there. I had to rummage through the charity shop bags for the things they didnā€™t want. It was all free stuff to them. To me it was the essence of mam. She loved her clothes and took pride in herself. I always cut her hair how she liked it because she stopped going out to the hairdressers. I have her offcuts in the loft. Iā€™d saved her hair over time to do a textile on the ageing process. Canā€™t bear to see it now. But I know itā€™s there for when Iā€™m ready.
Oh Becki, so sorry that you are on meds that make you feel awful. Itā€™s prob a mix of everything. My legs felt like they would give way the other day and thatā€™s never happened before. Thought it was a covid thing. I take electrolyte sports things to top up in the heat. The grapefruit ones are nice. Donā€™t get glowing wee but wouldnā€™t it be fun if we did!
Take care. Fridays for me are always a reflection on what Iā€™ve achieved in the garden. Not doing too bad considering the list I had to get through. Iā€™m very impatient but try to do it as an ongoing project and when Autumn hits I can reprimand myself if I havenā€™t achieved everything.
Lots of love xxx


Fantastic how you are getting your jobs done in the garden Christine. Would be better still if the creep buggered off permanently and moved far awayx