Hi Christine,
I hope your okay, thinking of you.
Love Debbie x


A good win today for you @NEILB72 , I hope they keep it up.
Debbie X


Hi Debbie
Yes thank you! It does make a nice change for us to win and to look forward to watching Match Of The Day! X


Hi Christine

Just dropping by to say Hello.

Nothing exciting to tell today. Well not nice excitement anyway.

Hope you keeping warm.

Much love xx


Hi Neil

Nice to hear youā€™ve had some football to enjoy.

Football free home here!

Much love xx


Hi everyone,
Just catching up and able to post at last! Donā€™t know how long itā€™s been but seems like ages. A combo of things has happened - computer keyboard froze for a few days and had to upgrade to Windows 11 after avoiding upgrade for ages because it always buggars up something. Sorted that and posted to Seychelles and Janebee in ā€˜Just lost my mamā€™ and then the tiredness / exhaustion kicked in and I couldnā€™t continue. Donā€™t know if itā€™s a reaction to the anxiety surrounding my sistersā€™ move but every time I do something I have to leave it and sleep. Just so exhausted. But I managed to get my things and the fish (just one) which were left outside the old house along with a huge amount of things she still needed to collect (my dad has been ferrying stuff to the new house according to my niece). So itā€™s all over now, They are finally moved out. My niece has stopped replying to my texts and is still with her boyfriend. She had said about swimming and going out on the bikes when she returns in Feb but havenā€™t heard from her since the move. So Iā€™ve given up. But like Tina said, there anticipation and anxiety surrounding all of the move is over now. Thatā€™s probably why Iā€™m so exhausted. I have chronic fatigue anyway as a reaction to stress where I have to rest / sleep and ā€™ bankā€™ enough energy to be able to return to normal again. Went swimming once after therapy and had to leave early. Will just have to wait until Iā€™m ok again to be doing stuff again.
Iā€™ve really missed you all. Itā€™s a real relief to have caught up with you all. Tina, loving the rug. Itā€™s so textural. Will have to work that into a natural textile. Hoping to do a series of small seasonal studies. If anyone wants to buy wool online have discovered ā€˜Lovecraftsā€™ for all manner of crafty things. Was very annoyed that my order has disappeared so donā€™t leave it and go back to it of you are getting anything. Took me ages to do and will have to start again. Being this tired means Iā€™m only functioning on half a brain. Not sure if there was anything sparkly. Oh, your fingers swelling could be the intricate workings of your rug. Sewing means that my right fingers / knuckles are bigger than my left and I do have to stop working when my thumb knuckle swells as itā€™s so painful. Very worrying about your ring though. Not worth losing a finger over! Have you tried using ice or really cold water to get the swelling down? Zoe is so naughty. Such an attention seeker. Itā€™s a game to her, pinching things so youā€™ll join in and Iā€™m sure the biting isnā€™t malicious, otherwise sheā€™d take your hand off! Maybeā€™s bite her back and let her know whoā€™s boss. Or squirt her with something she doesnā€™t like to let her know itā€™s naughty.
Debbie, amazing news about your grand daughter. Such a proud grandma! Doug will be there, with you, cheering her on with a tear in his eye. You did make me smile when your son was born and Doug was thrilled to have a boy at last because my dad always wanted me to be a boy. If I had been I would have been ā€˜John Clark Cā€™, like something out of Superman. I couldnā€™t have been more of a tomboy if I tried. I know quite a bit about engines and can change a tyre. Love a power tool and diy. Painting and decorating. Donā€™t need a man for anything. But I think my love of being independent frightens him. Still love pink though! The fabulous Shaftsbury theatre is a joy. I do like the idea that churches let the grown child choose what they want to be later on. I was christened as was standard in the seventies. Itā€™s good for young people to be given a choice because it promotes responsibility. Iā€™m sure your family will be well balanced and loving people because of it. Mam stopped going to church because dad didnā€™t want any part of it. She stopped doing so many things that were dear to her.
Neil, always love seeing your pics. Pleased you were able to photograph inside. I remember taking the kids to the Natural History Museum when they were little and they loved all the dinosaur things and were mesmerised by the planets. You have been a busy boy! And picking up your neighbour from the hospital worked out very well for bonus exhibitions you would otherwise not have seen. Itā€™s great that youā€™re keeping the bucket list going with a view to cinema trips too. Could you work the Ā£2 ticket into seeing things further afield? Such a bargain. Shame not to do something. Great news that your new course is a positive experience and not just something youā€™re being forced to do. Hope something positive comes out of it for you. Youā€™re due a bit of good luck. Hope your neighbour gets the all clear for his results. Maybeā€™s you could take another trip with him and do something fun if it is good news. He might welcome the distraction. Hope I can keep up to date with your adventures! now Iā€™m back again. Looking forward to seeing ypour pics.
Suzanne, you always take such beautiful photographs. The trees look like lace against the sky. Can only imagine how cold it must be to have the Loch frozen over like that. Not surprised youā€™re swerving it until it thaws a little. Always think of you when Iā€™m checking the weather and wonder how you are coping with the cold. Weā€™re due freezing arctic fog in Feb so that will be fun! Your niece is a very lucky girl getting you out in the car again. She must be saving a bomb on driving lessons. I remember the block lessons I had. One day would be fabulous and the next horrendous. Passed first time but had to slam on my brakes when the lights changed and thought Iā€™d buggared it up. Youā€™re such a lovely aunty to her. Sheā€™ll be forever grateful to you. I wish my niece would answer my texts. Miss her so much and my nephews. Have you anything exciting planned for your time off, in between lessons? Itā€™s a tricky one because of the cold. A brisk walk in the woods isnā€™t such fun when all you want is to hide at home watching Netflix with treats.
Hope Iā€™ve remembered everyone. Love to Becky too. Sure sheā€™s being very productive with work. And to Nic and girls. Still havenā€™t done my lanterns for mam as I have nobody to do it with and donā€™t want to go to the park on my own. It was mamā€™s 81 st birthday Thursday. I got her some pretty flowers and a lovely pop up card of a greenhouse she would have loved. I was forever tidying the shelving thing she had. Still havenā€™t posted to mams tribute site but here is the updated shrine:

And here is my new Hilda 2. Looks a bit grumpy but loving the fishtank. Was too cold for the pond and also didnā€™t want her to be on her own. Elsie likes having a little buddy. Has her eye on Elsie as sheā€™s swimming along.

Havenā€™t been in the garden apart from to top up the birds and feed the foxes. Not sure if foxes are in the hutch. Didnā€™t want to disturb. Cat food doesnā€™t always get eaten so thinking maybeā€™s not. Could be the hedgehogs back again. Xmas trees pretty with a touch of frost.

Had to break the frozen pond a couple of days. Amazed the pump is still working. Pop it on everyday to keep the fountain going as the birds enjoy a drink from it.

Bit upset that my passion flower climber has withered and dropped all its foliage with the cold

but nice to see bright crisp skies with sunshine.

So pleased Iā€™ve caught up with you all. I always feel very lost when I donā€™t check in and I donā€™t get email alerts any more. Will need a rest again now! I did do some sewing so have been a little productive between sleeps. Watched ā€˜Flowersā€™ with Olivier Coleman (an old channel 4 comedy). Always find a comedy cheers me up when Iā€™m feeling down. Just feel quite lost. Upset for mamā€™s birthday but did get a text from my sis up north saying she would pop in for a scone after work to celebrate mam because she loved a scone. So I did that too when I got mamā€™s flowers, with strawberry jam and clotted cream. I would have gone to the garden centre she loved and done that there but not on my own. We always looked forward to a sit down with a tasty treat when shopping for plants. Always feel better when I get a text in reply to mine. Sheā€™s having bereavement counselling. Sheā€™s allowed to be upset about mam but Iā€™m not. Just donā€™t understand how that is fair. But pleased itā€™s helping her. Wish my niece would text me back, even if it is to tell me to stop texting her.
Going for a cuppa to keep me awake. So pleased Iā€™ve caught up with you all.
Lots of love xxx


Forgot to mention, mams oldest friend sent me a card in reply to mine after xmas, saying how devastated she was about mam and that she had wished sheā€™d seen her last time she was visiting up north. I think mam knew how poorly she was and didnā€™t tell us and wasnā€™t able to do the rounds and see her friends like she normally did. But it was nice to hear from her and to know how loved mam is. She did say it gets easier as the years roll on. I suppose we learn to live along side grief. I didnā€™t know I had her address because mam usually gave it to me over the phone when I was doing my xmas cards. So pleased I contacted her. Havenā€™t heard from my auntie yet. xxx


Hi Christine
Lovely to see you post. I thought it would be something like computer problems why you hadnt been around for a while. Always lovely to see your pics too.
Looking forward to the cinema and Jersey Boys on Thursday so will hopefully post some pics!
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Lovely to hear from you Christine, Iā€™ll catch up tomorrow
Debbie x

1 Like

What can I say.You are truly amazing.God bless you and your wonderful flair for writing.Thank you for being such an inspiration and for your dedication to this site and to us all who need you so much.Your replies both individually and to everyone in the group are an absolute tonic and how you reach out to us when we really need help is beyond me.I just hope you know how much you are appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping


I loss my soulmate to covid two years ago, Iā€™m devastated and am trying to do things, whuchbis do painful without him by my side.

Iā€™ve been reading comments on here for a few weeks now and I totally agree with @seychelles, that @christine51 is such an inspiration, you show kindness to everyone grieving and so do all of you on this post.

Christine, your passion for your garden and your Mumā€™s shrine is heartwarming and your lovely photoā€™s you post on here and how you watch the birds, feed the foxes and the hedgehogs, its not long now until we can get back in our gardens, but Iā€™m like @Tina19, lost a lot of plants and canā€™t afford to replace them.

@christine51 Iā€™m so glad you keep up with your swimming. I enjoy aqua aerobics and walking my dog.

Sending hugs
Amy x


Hello Amylost.

I donā€™t always notice every post so if this is your first post I would just like to welcome you and say sorry for your loss. Although I lost my Mum 11 months ago I, like Debbie, have also lost my Husband but 6 years ago. I found the 2nd year to be particularly difficult, despite many thinking it should be getting ā€œbetterā€.

We may not have the answers, but we are all here for support and a little natter so please keep dropping by for as long as you like to.

Love and best wishes.


Hi Christine

Nice to see you back. I hadnā€™t remembered about you saying it was your Mumā€™s birthday. As ever, I love your photos, so atmospheric and the little white house is so exquisite.

Yeah I think you are right about the link between my fingers and the rug. I think itā€™s the repetition of the movements as Iā€™ve been using tweezers and itā€™s very much a pinching and gripping movement. I was also in incredible pain for two days with my side and shoulder but I recognise the symptoms since Iā€™ve started the rug again and think the standing and leaning over the canvas whilst I work is probably responsible. Iā€™m a right old crock-pot!

Nice to hear thereā€™s a bit of open communication now with your Sister. I wouldnā€™t take your Nieceā€™s absence as personal. Sheā€™s a teenager with a boyfriend and lots of interests and sheā€™ll have tunnel vision probably as her age!

I picked two more Diamond Art Kits from Amazon last week. Iā€™m not going to open them till Iā€™ve finished the rug a Iā€™m not the worldā€™s best at completing projects once Iā€™ve started them!

Hope Porcha is ok in the cold. I canā€™t see her hanging around in any cold spots though as cats know how to look after themselves donā€™t they!

Will drop in later.

Much love xx


Hi Neil

Is it this week the Jersey Boyā€™s? The audience usually end up dancing in the aisles I hope youā€™ll have your comfortable shoes at the ready!

Much love xx


Hi Amy ,

Welcome, as Tina said my husband died in March 2021, just coming up to two years now. I often wonder how I would have managed if I hadnā€™t found this group of lovely people. Christine is what drew me here too, her lovely shrine and gardening and craft skills.

Sending love Debbie x


Hi Amy,
Thank you so much for your kind words. It was kindness from everyone here that got me through losing my mam. Nothing can prepare us for the hole that is left behind. We just canā€™t imagine such sorrow until we have to endure it. And ā€˜getting betterā€™ is certainly something that eludes us. Grief is there even when I am being busy in the garden. It has been my focus, like the shrine, to create in memory of my mam. It gets me through the day and it is always a relief when evening comes and I can put another day behind me. Little comforts, like watching the birds, are like collecting jewels on this journey. I always smile when I see my little robin because I imagine it is mam saying hello to me when I get up and start my day. Whatever you can do to fill you with a little lightness is worthwhile. Just being in your garden with a cuppa, listening to nature and enjoying a bit if sunshine will lift you a little. We all have our coping strategies - Tina and Becki have their crafts, Neil has his theatre and cinema, Suzanne has her wildlife adventures at the Loch and Debbie is an inspiration of love and family. We love to see each others pics when we are bobbing along doing well. And we are all there for each other when we need comforting and love to get us through the darkest days. Iā€™d love to see your garden. Just having a bit of a tidy is quite thrilling when you see the work achieved. Being productive helps and I take comfort in daily routines. Without that I wouldnā€™t get out of bed. I look forward to you posting pics and sharing your days. But if not then just take comfort in reading what everyone is up to. I canā€™t always post when days are really bleak or when Iā€™m so exhausted that all I can do is sleep until I recover. Being part of a community with real friendship makes the journey less desperate.
Iā€™m so very sorry that you have lost your beloved. You have joined a hidden world that we knew existed before it touched us but didnā€™t know the extent of the pain carried. Mam left me in Nov 2021 and it still feels like itā€™s just happened. Sometimes she feels far away and I forget, like sheā€™s still on holiday. Other times itā€™s so real itā€™s like itā€™s happening now and Iā€™m reacting again for the first time. All we can do is ā€˜enjoyā€™ (canā€™t think of another word) the reprieve, however small, when it comes along and be ready to endure the relentless emptiness and sorrow. Crying helps to get it out. Iā€™ve even cried in public and that is not in my natural character at all. Iā€™ve discovered a softness I canā€™t shrug off.
So welcome to our lovely group. Itā€™s amazing how life throws us real loving friendships in the bleakest of times. Hope we lift you up and make you smile.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Tina
Yes Jersey Boys on Thursday evening so really looking forward to seeing the show at last!
Will hopefully post some pics on Friday
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Tina,
You do make me laugh! telling Neil to pop his comfy shoes on so he can dance in the isles when he sees his Jersey Boys. I would be mortified if I was there and everyone got up dancing, but mam would have loved it and joined in.
Iā€™m intrigued as to why youā€™re standing up to do your rug? I find a cosy spot to sit down with lots of cushions or pillows at my back helps. And getting up to make a cuppa so my legs donā€™t get pins and needles. It is so easy to lose track of time. I have a pile of sewing waiting for me after this and Iā€™m hoping Porsch will move over to let me sit with her next to the radiator (her new bed). And as long as the creep stays away I can open the nets and look out onto the garden while Iā€™m busy. Still incredibly tired. I didnā€™t get up until now so Iā€™ve lost most of the daylight hours but Iā€™ll make the most of what is left.
You could keep you diamond kits for when the sun comes out and adds an extra sparkle when youā€™re busy, breaking up your day. Where will you hang your rug? Crochet and rug making was really popular in the sixties and seventies, adorning many walls as decorative art. Add a few plant crochet hangings and youā€™ve created a natural ambience to the room. I remember my crochet owl I made at school, with huge wooden beads for eyes. Mam kept it for years but Iā€™m not sure what she did with it. Even then the repetition of stitch was soothing. It must be really quite difficult with the tweezers nipping and pulling the wool through. But itā€™s whatever works for us.
Would love a pic of your fabulous massive tree! I have things still in pots to plant up where the shed was and look at the posts and trellis everyday and am reminded of the work waiting for me when the Spring arrives. Just been reading about the arctic conditions arriving in Feb to cover us in snow again. Porsch wonā€™t be mooching out there after brekkie when it arrives. Will have to get a big shop in before then so Iā€™m stocked up.
It was my sis up north who texted me, not the one who moved. Wish I could swap them round so I could go for walks and fiddle about charity shops on her days off. Havenā€™t heard from my niece and itā€™s so upsetting because we were very close and did lots together. Just waiting for her to move back home again so we can start swimming (and with my little nephew) and going out on the bikes. If I could summon up the energy and willpower to get my bike in the car I could do the park which is local where we went for rides together. Itā€™s the starting that I find hardest. My swimming is booked for after therapy Tues but my enthusiasm for it has taking a tumble. Will keep going just to get me out the house when my energy returns. Iā€™m glad to just be back posting again. Feel so lost when I donā€™t.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
Will you be dusting off your dancing shoes for Thursday? Hope itā€™s as fun and vibrant as Tina has heard it is. Will you be meeting anyone at the stage door? Seems to have stopped. Looking forward to the pics x
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine,

Computers are a real pain when they want up dating, there is always something that goes wrong. But glad to see you back.
As you said the worse has happened now with your sister moved, just have to plod on the best you can. As Tina said teenagers with boyfriends get very distracted, she will be back to text and swimming again.
So there was only one fish in the pond, or was that all they could catch. Fish are very good at hiding, especially as itā€™s so cold at the moment. Iā€™m sure Hilda 2 is feeling very at home in the tank.
Lovely photos as always, frost always looks beautiful on trees and bushes, on the plus side you can see the spider webs, you know how I love spiders. But itā€™s not so good for walking, itā€™s been a bit slippery on the paths walking to work. I keep saying to myself, January is nearly done and I wonā€™t have to work another one.
The shrine is looking lovely too. Iā€™ve joined Tina in getting an diamond art picture, havenā€™t started it yet. I was putting an order into Hobbycraft and needed the order to be Ā£25 to get free delivery, so I thought why not. Itā€™s a kitten in a winter scene

Iā€™ll make you smile had to prove I was over eighteen to get my parcel left by the postman as I had ordered a paper trimmer. I think I might pass that one.
Iā€™m doing lots of preparation for crafts at messy church, Feb being valentine Iā€™m getting them to make love bugs.

In March Iā€™m getting them to decorate , some lovely colour plant pots I found on Amazon then going to plant them up as presents for their mumā€™s, probably put pansies in rather than a summer bulb.
In April Iā€™m getting them to weave little baskets, add some shredded paper and put in mini eggs for them with an Easter chick.
Itā€™s been alot of cutting out templates, and hole punching for the lacing heart I did for another helper. We are getting alot more childre now, fifteen last month.

Still havenā€™t started my Harry Potter jigsaw I got for my birthday yet, really must get going on it.

Have you heard from the hospital yet about going for tests for your iron levels.
Sorry I forgot it was your mumā€™s birthday last week, the flowers are lovely, what an unusual card very pretty.
When you said your dad was hoping you were going to be a boy, it reminded me of my sister. My dad was convinced she was going to be a boy, when she was born he didnā€™t talk to mum at first, as if it was her fault. Ever since she was a baby my dad always called her Bill.
By the time I came along, he had just given up on ever getting a boy, until I had a son.

Speak again soon
Love Debbie xx