Hi Christine
I see you finally got your new electric box in, hope it went without too much bad language this time :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.
I know what @Nick22 is saying, I have outside electrics for lights and old pond. I have a very sensitive up to date RCD on my main fuse box. A while ago the pond pump stopped over night and tripped the electric off, I was scratching around in the dark to sort it, as Dougā€™s sleep apnoea machine also stopped and he couldnā€™t manage with out that.
But I imagine you should have one as you live in a council/housing association property like me. They may be rubbish with general repairs but really hot on safety with both electric and gas.
Anyway your garden is coming on nicely, that bamboo screening I have used before in a previous property like you for privacy reasons.
My garden is clay soil, I canā€™t believe how soggy yours looks, mines okay and usually can grow most things. Can only grow Azaleas in pots, a shame I do like them.
The old pond has gone down the tip now, my son in law took it for me on Sunday. Now just got to move the last few plants, and distribute the compost left in it. I think my daughter wants a few bags of it for her garden. Then my son is coming to dismantle the frame as he wants the wood. It was decking planks we used.
Work is never finished in a garden.
Iā€™m being naughty, doing this at work while I wait for both photocopiers to finish long print runs. Just as I speak they have finished must go.
Speak to you soon
Love Debbie xx

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Hi Nick,
Thankyou very much for the info about the fuse box. Started panicking ! and when I checked


Hi Nick,
Thankyou for the info about the fuse box. I started panicking ! but when I checked I do have the RCD as, like Debbie, says, this is a council property and they are red hot on electrics and gas (had that checked the other day). They have to be because they house such vulnerable tenants. I was housed because of my stalking situation. My dad taught me all my diy skills, from using a drill to wiring a plug. I love anything technical but do get extremely frustrated if it doesnā€™t go well (I do express my anger through language!) I have 4 lights for the garden to wire up so I can light both sides for summer. Hope to sit out now I have my fences up and only 2 trellises to add (waiting for fixtures to be delivered).
So pleased you got to the park again. I hope it made you feel a little lighter. I suppose when we are in Nature we have a new perspective, even if it lasts just a little while, giving some relief. Is the park close by? I have to travel to go to the park and woods but it is worth it. Just need to start tying it into my routine and then Iā€™ll be motivated again.
I love you tube for teaching and used it to see how to clean my rusty bike chain (put in the garden at my sisters house without me knowing). Apple vinegar and then olive oil to grease. I always loved getting out on my bike. Itā€™s a great way of getting fit and being out in the fresh air. The seats go down in my car so it becomes big enough to get mine and my nieceā€™s bike in. Bit of a trek to collect her in traffic but worth it.
Did you see my new garden pics I posted to Suzanne? Theyā€™re for everyone to see. I had to secure my little robins nest in the buddha head this morn because my little visitor, Bud, was watching them intently and they were very distressed. Luckily I had some wire squares I had tied together and created a barrier so he couldnā€™t jump up on the pram to get to the babies. Had to faff about quite a bit as the robins couldnā€™t figure out how to get over the wire to get in as I had blocked their usual path without knowing. Theyā€™re so tame now and love being around me in the garden or watch me when Iā€™m in the kitchen with the door open. They have their own little feeding area beside their nest so they donā€™t have to go off too far. I Always think of mam when I see them, messengers from the spiritual world. Really missing her again and started having bad dreams recently which are upsetting. I donā€™t normally dream.
If I want cheering up I love watching funny cats and dogs on you tube. Have you seen the cat in the warm bath not wanting to get out? Itā€™s so beautiful.
I do recommend Grt Exp. if you like period dramaā€™s. I love seeing how people used to live, the degradation and sqalour that was the norm. Iā€™m amazed anyone survived. One of my textile hangings is about the child welfare system through the ages (relevant laws passed to protect and care for), layered with poetry of my own childhood which is in stark contrast to those who donā€™t know the tooth fairy and Santa.
Must make a start getting ready for my therapy this afternoon. I used to go swimming after but Iā€™m such a chatterbox we always run over time unless another client is booked and then I donā€™t have time for a swim because it closes early for lessons. Looking forward to my food delivery tonight. Treated myself to Cherry Bakewells, my fave thing.
Porsch has nested in the base of the bed when I pulled out the drawer to put my bedding away and is refusing to move! She loves to nest in places which are very inconvenient (the bed drawer compartment so I have a big drawer in the way and her usual spot is in my pj drawer in the wardrobe so I have to leave the doors open). Sheā€™s so spoilt! Crying for treats at 4.30 this morn. I refused and then couldnā€™t get back to sleep. I do wake up during the night now for the loo. The joys of getting older!
Kisses to Tammy! xxx
And lots of love to you xxx


Hi Debbie,
I did panic about the electric RCD but checked and itā€™s there. My dad would have checked that when we put the original box in about 17 years now. I think the new electric box was faulty as it doesnā€™t close well but luckily I found an old one and swapped it and the one that doesnā€™t close well is dry inside the large plastic box. I know itā€™s a faff but once itā€™s done and working itā€™s fab for setting everything up. Looking forward to seeing my new lights along the fences so I can hopefully sit out on an evening and continue enjoying the garden. I have fairy lights over the pergola but forget to turn them on. Will get some lights for the pons as the old garden pond looked so pretty lit up, illuminating the water pump.
I finally made a decision on a bundle of potted marginal plants from Amazon (will get them tomorrow) and Elodea Densa for oxygenating. I had measured the depth of the 3 tiers and your info about zones made sense of what I needed (moisture loving, marginal and deep marginal, floating). Just hope the snails donā€™t eat the plants before they can thrive. Frog friendly and winter flowering. Will add water lilly and irises too as they werenā€™t included. Doesnā€™t give names of the flowers but I will have yellow, pink, white, purple and blue (8 in total for Ā£50 which is approx Ā£6. 20 each plant potted). Iā€™ve put off doing it for so long that it was a relief to make a decision. Wondering if my therapist will give me a cutting of his water lillies.
Iā€™ll update with pics when I return after therapy today. Canā€™t go out there as itā€™s so muddy. Iā€™m sure itā€™s because Iā€™m on a steep bank and the rainwater will flow down hill. Even when I had lawn where the pond is now it was soaking to sit on. I will try growing things in pots replacing failed attempts, like the small pond. Will be interesting seeing if anything comes back from all the plug plants last year. But I know roses thrive and my irises do well. Theyā€™re growing every day. Will let you know when I do the honey bushes for sending cuttings. They have very strong root systems so should survive the journey. Hope to get them in asap before the weather turns warm.
How do you feel now that the old pond has been removed? Will be nice to have the space completely cleared so you have a fresh eye and a new project. Iā€™ll be relieved when my ā€˜projectsā€™ are finished and I can enjoy planting up. Might fill the back of the big pond with climbing roses in large tubs because the soil is so root bound that nothing will stand a chance there. Have quite a few climbers I potted on too to fill gaps along the fence.
You really are so very naughty chatting while at work! But Iā€™m glad you did. Must dash now to get ready and hope to get pics when I get back to show what Iā€™ve been doing. Oh, I started seeding my lawn and had to order another box. Covered in compost to stop the birds. I had masses of pigeons yesterday looking for food. Must have been about 20 or so. Funny watching them all flying off when they got a fright. Such pretty birds. Also had to rescue my robins this morning from being munched. Bud, my friends cat, popped in to see me and I
realised he was watching the robins going in and out of their nest. Have constructed a barrier from the wire grids I originally made around the pond to protect my sisters fish (but then only got one and it is happily thriving with Elsie in the fishtank).
See you later x
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
Love to hear about your robin. I get one here occasionally and definitely think its a sign bringing our loved ones closer to us! I never believed that before but since Mum passed I do. So many things have changed that Mum wouldnt be able to believe it. From different food to things Iā€™m going out to see I wouldnt have even thought about doing them a couple of years ago.
Even hoping to see some cricket sometime as I have adopted it as my ā€™ summer sportā€™ . Would like to do a tour of Lords and try and see Surrey play at the Oval . Mum came from Surrey and Dad from Kent so I support both. Surreyā€™s ground is not far from me in London. Something else new to try.
Having a cinema/theatre double day on Thursday. Not decided on the film yet but seeing the brand new play at the National called Dixon and Daughters which has press night tonight. Only paid a tenner for it as there are some Friday Rush tkts still left from last week. Made up for me missing out last time so very pleased!
Anyway your work is very impressive as always in the garden and so glad you find it really helps . Tuesday not great but better than it used to be for me.
My team certainly had a good week with two fabulous results. Playing Liverpool tomorrow.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Neil,
So pleased to find you here after my therapy. I saw a beautiful cherry in full bloom on the way to my therapy so these are for you. Such beautiful colour.

Spotted a fabulous curly wurly tree which made me smile

and bottle brushes!

Bluebells always make me think of mam and I love the delicate colours of mauve and blue

against a backdrop of the childlike forget-me-nots which I also love.

The builders were amused when I whipped out my camera and there was chat about me being a photography student! Compliments accepted at my age of 52 !

On the way home I ā€˜poppedā€™ (never easy for me to just pop anywhere!) in Sainsburyā€™s and was very excited when I spotted a woman leaving with a plant. So many great offers on bedding plants (trays were 2 for Ā£5 and individual pots 3 for Ā£5). I know itā€™s a luxury with the cost of living but my only expense is the garden as I donā€™t go anywhere apart from swimming, donā€™t drink or smoke or eat take away, donlt go on hols, donā€™t drive very far etc. I have to impulse buy or Iā€™d never go back. So this is what I got - ivy, carnation, marigols, petunia, lobellia and fuscia. Itā€™s what mam always got.

I did have a nightmare at the till when I turned a tray of marigolds upside down to swipe the tag and they all fell out. The woman was not amused! If theyā€™d been watered like the rest they wouldnā€™t have come out. I did apologise. She was clearly very stresses. I then changed them over for a fresh tray. I amaze myself when in a situation that creates extreme anxiety. Since mam Iā€™m not able to be grief stricken and sad at the same time, but then I did have a panic when I left the house because the creep came back from work early and was very loud after seeing my new camera angle. He knows itā€™s there and deliberately stood at his door out of view. I could see his coat a bit. Iā€™ve never hated a person as much as I hate him. I donā€™t even now him. My pond plants have just arrived so Iā€™ve gone from having a panic to a good day.
Love that you love my robin pics. You will have read about naughty Bud from along the doors eyeing up the buddha head. The robins were frantic until I created the wire barrier for them,

adjusting in so they could still get in their usual way, behind the ear.

Iā€™ve blocked the whole pram so the cat canā€™t jump up (heā€™s a proper hunter gatherer).

It also protects my strawberries from being munched. My others are waiting on a rail under the shelter of the climber incase we still get frost.

I have created a special hidden feeding area just for the robins so they donā€™t have to go far to feed their babies!

I always think of mam and whether they are messangers or not they are so special to so many. I always had one robin following me round the garden before mam and was amused by my little friend. But after mam I have grown so much closer and now know the pair of them. One is always looking out for me in the kitchen or when Iā€™m sitting at the window looking out over the garden. It brings me a sense of peace and makes me smile. Whatever people are drawn to must mean something.
I didnā€™t used to garden for myself before mam, not like I do now. I loved helping mam at the old garden. She was a natural (dad too) and everything I know is from helping them. Everything they did worked but for me itā€™s more hit and miss, despite all the hard graft. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m so delighted with my pots, even if they are late:
delicate tet-a-tets (love yellow),

feathered tulips and loving the pale mauve.

Really thrilled that my potted peonies are thriving. Hope they flower.

I know my garden is far from finished and certainly not pristine but I feel free when Iā€™m gardening in my middle age! Just wish mam could see me and how I have matured.

I love that youā€™re embracing cricket for the summer. I donā€™t understand it, like footie, but do think they look quite dashing in their white uniforms. I love the tennis, even if it is on in the background. All the posh peeps in their fancy dresses having a special day out. I hope you get to the Oval. Can imagine that will cost a bomb. If you will let me Iā€™d love to contribute, or get you a ticket for a theatre trip. You missed out for xmas lanterns (still havenā€™t done mine). Let me know and you could pick it up at the box office. Just checked the weather for your Thursday double and itā€™s rain in the afternoon so take a brolly. Wonā€™t spoil your trip but always good to know. Donā€™t know why we are all so fascinated with the weather. Suppose itā€™s because itā€™s so changeable, especially at the mo.
Hope Iā€™ve brightened your Tuesday a little. Iā€™m on a bit of a roll at the mo. Think itā€™s getting out in the fresh air and getting active in the garden again. I was finding it really tough. My saddest times are when I wake up or get up during the night for the loo. Hits me like a ton of bricks every time.
Fingers, eyes and everything else crossed for your footie! I wonā€™t be watching but hope your good luck keeps going with it.
Enjoy your Thursday hun and Iā€™m so pleased your friend still rings weekly for a catchup. My niece is doing her teacher assistant training this week and starting work properly by end of week. When she settles into her hours we can meet for a regular swim and Iā€™ll drop her home. Looking forward to it in the summer in the outdoor pool.
Just noticed the time. Iā€™ll have to get my bags ready for my Asda delivery. Have treats of burger, crisps, Cherry Bakewells (adore!) and Maltesers icecream (very naughty!) Will try not to eat them all tonight but canā€™t promise anything! Was inspired by your lemon mirangue.
Chow for now babe.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,

Glad to hear the football went in your teams favour :+1: x
And I have yet to find a decent vegan lemon meringue pie as their is no decent egg substituteā€¦I am jealous lol x

That is a mental price to fix a car so I feel so sorry for your friend. I have my MOT in August and I know I need a new tyre but I hear noises so like an ostrich I bury my head and turn up the music :joy: x

What are you up to this week? Iā€™m working (surprise surprise lol) and on a late shift tomorrow which I hate but apparently I have to do one a week for to be fair lol x
Itā€™s my friends turn to have an issue at work so he said heā€™s going to phone me later and give me his gossip. Never a dull week lol x

Hope you are keeping well and busy x also hope itā€™s not as cold down with you as itā€™s turned up here.

Have a good midweek and chat soon,
Take care and much love :two_hearts: x


Hi Nick,

I donā€™t believe I read about you re-connecting with an old friend of your brothers but I am actually really pleased to hear that you have someone you can talk to on a daily basis but also happy that this person remembers and can speak fondly of your brotherā€¦hopefully keeps his memory alive for you.

Iā€™m very lucky to have a few people I can speak to if feeling a bit lonely. I donā€™t trust people very easily so my circle is small but Iā€™d like to think tight and loyal.
Nice of your neighbour friend to invite you to lunchā€¦what did you have lol? x

Had the car at the vets tonight for his last vaccination and he miaowed so much and for so long that they took him 15 mins early for his appointment :ok_hand: x

He then started to behave like a lunatic and started crawling all over the book cases which I told him no and the pictures Iā€™ll post you was his answer to being told off lol x

Hope your week isnā€™t too hard on you and your health has improved even slightly x

Anyway take care and chat soon x


Hi Christine,
You made me chuckle causing chaos at the check out, thatā€™s something I would probably end up doing. Iā€™m proud of you, you got through and had the forethought of changing tray of plants over.
It reminded me once shopping in Somerfield, a bottle of lemonade slipped out of my hand when I was putting the shopping on the conveyor belt. It punctured the bottle and everyone including the lady on the till got sprayed with sticky lemonade. I was so embarrassed.
I love all the latest photos, your pond plants came quickly. The cherry trees had beautiful blossom, I planted one in my garden two years ago, still only small I planted it in Dougā€™s memory.

I hope you haven eaten all your treats in one go.
Speak soon
Love Debbie xx


Hi christine51, I am lucky, the park starts right at the bottom of my brotherā€™s garden, and I go there twice a day if I can. - I always look at your photos. I used to have the same type of bench as you have, but the wood did rot. - Robins are my favourite bird. My mother often dug out some weeds and a robin was sitting on the handle of a screwdriver. My mother loved it, she even though the worms close to her little friend. It is amazing how tame they are. My brother had a blackbird as a friend some years ago. The birds used fly from window to window until he found my brother and tapped on the window, demanding food. My brother always bought raisons for his friend. - I used to have a tame crow on a campsite in Holland in the 60s, his name was Hansche and he followed me everywhere. He would sit on my right shoulder an we walked around the campsite. I was told that he came back each year after we stopped going there, our caravan was destroyed in a storm. - I too love watching funny cats and dogs videos. I just watched the cat in the warm bath today. - Yes I remember Great Expectations but it was a long time ago that I watched it. I find these type of films interesting but a bit depressing. I love the Cadfael television series. I only watched some of the episodes not so long ago. Good photography, calm and not over the top. My brother and I used to watch it together. - You wrote that you like Cherry Bakewells. I am greedy, I often get myself a strawberry trifle and a tiramisu. I often wake up during the night and cannot go back to sleep again. I then just open the fridge and eat. - I only have Tammy left to spoil now, and she knows it. She is still a bit strange, she misses my brother, and I cuddle her as often I can. She is such a sweety. - Poor thing, she cried the day my brother died. - I will pass on the kisses to Tammy tomorrow. Lots of love to you too xxx - Nick


Hi Christine :slight_smile:

What amazing photos :two_hearts: as Iā€™m sitting typing I see Alan Titmarsh is on the tv but who knows what about as I canna stand that beedy wee git :joy: x I know you do love your Monty Don but donā€™t see him often on tv.

Have you ever heard of a garden tool that basic burns weeds out from the rootsā€¦my neighbour keeps saying sheā€™s seen one and wants to buy me one but I havenā€™t a clue what sheā€™s on about.
I will look out for some of the plants you suggested for my now vacant pots but have to wait to pay day as I have spent a lot this month on god knows what lol x

I used to like the garden programme with Diarmud Gavin and he worked with Laurence Llewelyn Bowen and think that was the only garden programme I used to like.

Howā€™s your week anyway? Have you managed to get to your therapist and swimming?
Is the Creep keeping away from you?

Iā€™ll reply a bit longer tomorrow as I need to go feed Cal as I hear him moaning lol so better go feed his lordship x

Chat later and take care :green_heart: x


Hi Debbie,
I most certainly have eaten a bit of every treat I bought and feel quite sick considering my main diet is veg soup and I started eating salad as an alternative. Can you believe there was no lettuce but I have everything else. Thereā€™s always something missing from an Asda shop. The man was amused when I didnā€™t want the substitute cat litter, explaining that Porsch will only use wood pellets. Canā€™t believe the price of a shop now. I really donā€™t know how mams feed their kids. I feel so guilty buying plants in comparison. I always rationalise it to myself that the garden is the one thing I treat myself to and Iā€™m doing a lot in one go to get done before summer.
Water plants arrived before my shop so I just had to stick them in. But I did read the label depths. Confused though as to how deep to plant if 0 to 5 inches. Is that submerged up to 5 inches below the water? Will have to check the paperwork. Got more cress too so stuck that in. Itā€™s so cold though. I hope the plants survive.
I was thrilled to get a little taste of a selection of plants rather than full on bedding trays like I usually do. Sainsburyā€™s has a good range to choose from, though the foxgloves were a bit pricey at 2 for Ā£5, even if they were a decent size. But it was a good and unexpected shop, despite the mishap at the self serve! Your lemonade caper is like something out of a carry on film!
Your cherry tree is looking very well. Mine is tiny in comparison. Wish I hadnā€™t planted it so close to the fence. Can imagine the creep chopping anything that goes on his side just out of spite.
Porsch is pestering me for treats again. She knows theyā€™re in the cupboard. Every time she hears a rustle (like my packet of face wipes) she starts.
Iā€™m so tired Iā€™ve come to bed early. Couldnā€™t even stay up for Wire in the Blood with Robson Green (a rerun on ITV3). Will be busy tomorrow planting my bits from today and checking the pond plants. The lobelia will go in the wall planters so Iā€™ll get them done tomorrow (probably have to fix to the wall again so not a straight forward job). Will take pics of my water plants too and post.
Canā€™t wait to go to sleep. So exhausted.
I can imagine youā€™re dreaming of photocopiers now. Theyā€™re waiting for you!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Nick,
You are so lucky having the park that close to you and not having to get in the car. I find myself drawn to nature now and think of the birds as extra pets. Iā€™ve had quite an influx of pigeons recently. They are quite beautiful with their colours and markings but so greedy for all the treats! Saw my magpie today after being away for a while. I love crows. They are quite magestic and very fierce looking. I always think of the old Hitchcock film, The Birds. How did you get the crow to sit on your shoulder like that? Such a shame about your caravan. We always used to go camping with a massive old tent, the ones with metal poles, not like today. I donā€™t know how the car took the weight. Our cats used to love camping. Marmalade would sit curled around dads neck when he was driving and other drivers would look and then look again in disbelief. Weā€™d have toilet breaks along the way and M would have a wee, stretch his legs and hop back in. Heā€™d have adventures in the fields, bring us little presents (not the greatest thing when youā€™re dashing off to the toilet block and stand on mice in bare feet as you scramble out of bed). Heā€™d sleep in the bedroom compartment above where we slept so thereā€™d be a lump hanging above us. He loved it. I miss him. He naturally smelled of perfume. He was 21 when he left us .
You must feel so lost without your brother, as I do my mam. Little Tammy will miss him dearly. Life is so unfair. But I hope that we just have to bide our time before we can join them again. Thatā€™s what I cling onto, otherwise I would have no hope. When you posted all those lovely pics of the kittens and the mother cat I was drowning in sadness and all I could do was cry for mam. I wasnā€™t able to post to thank you. I adore cats. To be chosen and loved by them is very special indeed.
Iā€™ll be looking out for my blackbirds tomorrow (havenā€™t seen them for a while) and think of your brother. I have never had the close bond with my sisters that you two shared. You are very lucky to have had that.
Feeling quite sick from my treats. I have a very bland diet of vegetable soup mainly and salad as an alternative. No lettuce in my Asda delivery tonight but I have all the other bits. Not exactly a salad!
So exhausted that Iā€™ve come to bed early again. All that fresh air is catching up with me. I have quite a busy day tomorrow, planting up my wall planters and sorting my pond plants. Will have new pics again tomorrow. Do you take pics as you walk through the park? Since photographing my garden it has inspired me to really look closely at the structure, patterns and colours of plants. I love trees. Next time I go to the woods Iā€™ll take my camera.
So pooped now I must say good night and see you on the morrow (donā€™t know why I use that expression!)
Lots of love and extra for little Tammy. Sheā€™ll be feeling quite lost and need lots of reassurance.
Night hun xxx


Hi Suzanne,
I am so exhausted and having to nod off but saw you were here and couldnā€™t not so just a very quick hello x Donā€™t know that tool for the weeds (have you tried you tube?) Never been keen on poor Alan either but donā€™t know why. Heā€™s just a gardener! Seen a little bit of Diarmud (think heā€™s the one who is into architecture and modern structures within the garden?) but still love my Monty. Might be a dad crush but I think maybe Iā€™m deceiving myself with the age gap! If you have a Sainsburyā€™s get your plants on offer at 3 and 2 for a fiver. I was chuffed with my finds even if one tray emptied all over the place! Laughed at your pics of naughty Cal scrummaging, looking very guilty indeed. Porsch has been after treats for the last couple of days now because she knows where I keep them. Sheā€™s gone back to her drawer in a huff. More pics tomorrow. Hope my snails donā€™t eat my new pond plants. Have stuck a load of cress in there again too. Falling asleep now so I will say toodle and see you tomorrow babe.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Suzanne
Yes the football has taken an upward turn for us and our youth team has won the FA Youth Cup thrashing Arsenal. Playing Liverpool this evening so wont get too carried away.
At the theatre tomorrow with another cheap ticket which popped up at the weekend- brand new play at the National called Dixon and Daughters which had its press night last night. Anything at the National is always . Will be seeing something at the Garden cinema that I went to a while ago but not 100% sure what I will be seeing yet. Will be a quiet bank holiday for me after that.
Hope youre well and will catch up soon.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Love this quote I found on Facebook

Enjoy your theatre :performing_arts: trip Neil

Debbie xx


Hi christine51, perhaps calling it a park would be a bit misleading. It is only a grass field with some trees and three benches. The size is only about 200m x 220m, I will check it some time. (The park is also used as car park in the sunner.) I only took several dog photos last year, but I do take take some photos from the beach from time to time. The beach is just beond the the park. I will find some photos soon.

The crow just did turn up one day sitting on a tent looking hungry. I just fed her two or three days. After that she just jumped onto my shoulder. I guess it was the colour of my jumper. It was in the sixties and the green was so vibrant. After that, she (or he) just wanted to walk with me. I missed her a lot after we stopped going to Holland. (It is a once of a lifetime thing.)

I have told you that Tammy has been a bit distant lately. Well, she came to me this morning and we cuddled for several hours. It was so calming and I fell asleep. - It is not exactly warm here today and I am still in bed and reading here on SR - (I am short of heating oil at the moment.) - I had a cat visiting me all the time in the 70s. She also used to sleep across my neck all the time.

Tammy often brings me mice. She jumps up onto the bed and puts the mouse into my hand. At first I thought the mouse would bite me but she did not. I just had put her outside again.

We need hope and something to look forward to. It does not even matter what it is. For me it is talking in the park and the Euro Lottery. Not forgetting this website. We also need hope. Christine, you are welcome, and you do not need to thank me. (I will try to find some more cat photos.) I love cat too and I would like to live without one.

I was lucky that I had a good relationship with my brother, but it make so much harder now. My brother was more a father to me than my father. A friend from the 50s told me that he never had a good relationship with his brother. He even found it much more difficult to coke with my brotherā€™s death than the death of his own brother. His brother died a day after my brother. Strange world. - I think ā€œon the morrowā€ is better.

I just found: ā€œA study published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that cat owners have lower blood pressure, trigylceride levels, and cholesterol. All these factors combined result in a healthy heart.ā€
I will cuddle Tammy again later.

Nice to talk to you again and a big hug - Nick


Hi Christine

You made my laugh with your comment about your garden not being ā€œPristineā€. We wonā€™t be able to call you Pristine Christine then! With the state of the garden here though youā€™ll at least be able to call me Untidy Tina. I am not the Worldā€™s greatest ā€œcompleterā€ when it comes to projects. Still at the moment trying to do some hard ground-work. By your hardcore standards itā€™s probably more like ā€œlight dutiesā€ to you!

He has made a wood store for the log burning logs and seemed to has listened to his mate about leaving the rose bush removal til late Autumn. By then he may get bored with the idea if the upheaval but I doubt it. I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna put soil or plants in the Chimney they removed. I may put a candle or solar lights in it instead.

Iā€™m so pleased about your Niece, it will open up lots of opportunities for you Iā€™m sure. Iā€™m so impressed with your plants as well from Sainsburyā€™s. Youā€™ve done really well. Itā€™s like you say, if you donā€™t drink, smoke or go out on the razzle every night youā€™ve every right to be treating yourself. Yeah, shopping prices are horrendous arenā€™t they. He keeps saying ā€œbulk-buyā€, which is great in theory but Iā€™m the one doing the bulk-buying and he does the bulk-eating!

Yes please Iā€™d love a little cutting if itā€™s not too much trouble. Iā€™d love to be able to reciprocate but I havenā€™t anything exciting to pass on that i can send, unless you like hydrangea cuttings. But Iā€™m more than willing to share anything.

Will have to go and have something to eat but just thought Iā€™d add some of my ā€œGarden of Steptoeā€ photos!

This is the chimney pot I may put lights/candle in instead of plants. The little purple hanging lantern I had popped on the top for safe keeping fir a minute gave me the idea!

Decided to mess about with some old offcut wood to make these very ā€œrusticā€ little house wall toppers!

This is the woodstore he built which for the time being leaves the climbing white rose intact. Itā€™s not that tall right now as Iā€™d pruned it. It means the wall can stay intact as well fir the time being.

This is the Medlar Tree I won, getting a bit bigger.

Finally, this is the view to my neighbours front lawn from my kitchen window. I know most people would view Dandelions as weeds but when the sun is shining they open out to a vast sea of golden yellow and are so beautiful.

Well I hope my pictures have the right text under them or youā€™ll have a job on working them out !!

Much love speak soon xx


Hi Debbie,
Beautiful and so true. Whatever we do to fill in time ,or not, we will always be swept along by it. After Iā€™ve had a productive day, like today in the garden, I feel lost afterwards because I canā€™t share it with mam. Sheā€™ll never see what I have created. Thereā€™s no one to tell me theyā€™re proud of me. Feeling really upset again for mam. Had an awful panic attack when I realised the creep was there and started mowing his lawn. Donā€™t know how long heā€™d been there and if he was watching me. I recovered enough to come back out and take pics and do more work because he had gone in. But I have to be watching to see if heā€™s there watching me.
Iā€™ll have to post pics tomorrow as Iā€™m so tired.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Nick,
My sadness has returned and always bubbling under the surface ready to seep out at any time. Donlt know if itā€™s because Iā€™m so exhausted with doing my garden. Iā€™ve made a lot of progress with the trellises but forgot about the fox so will have to make a little doorway at the bottom of the bamboo. Heard it screaming to last night but must have found another way as the dog food was devoured. Will post pics later of what Iā€™ve done.
I saw a crow yesterday and thought of your brother. It was across the road when I was putting rubbish in the bin. Iā€™m a bit sad that it hasnā€™t returned to my garden. Maybeā€™s my treats arenā€™t as good! I now know who has been eating all the berry fatballs. The fox! I got up early and it looked straight at me when I opened the door. It was a lovely moment. I got a plate of food for it but it didnā€™t return.
My robins are funny. I sit with Porsch on a morning watching them. They have a routine of guarding the nest. They are even closer to me now that theyā€™ve watched me shooing Bud away from the nest and chasing him as he chases them.
Would love to see pics of your park. Every open space has itā€™s own character. I still need to sort my bike chain so I can get back to the local park where I whizzed about with my niece. Sheā€™s too far away now to do that with but I can go on my own. I thought she would have texted me to let me know how her week at work has been but she hasnā€™t. Itā€™s like living in a bubble of isolation. I only see my therapist when I donā€™t see her and havenā€™t been swimming for ages.
I wish I was close to a beach. It reminds me of being little and every summer holidayā€™s camping trip.
I miss my mam so very much and would do anything to have her back, just to hg her and tell her how much I love her. Like you said, loving someone so much makes it harder to live without them afterwards.
Will post my garden adventures soon.
Lots of love xxx