Hi Tina,
Describing it as feeling ‘separate to my existence’ sums up how I am at the mo. In tears again having my cuppa outside with Porsch so had to come in. I’ve been so separated from people around me for so long that having new peeps next to me is especially difficult. It’s upsetting because they remind me of my parents arriving when they get out of their car. I have no visitors since mam. Feeling so desperately unhappy. The garden seems like a mammoth task now, just to be out there. Comments from yesterday about me being ‘the most unfriendly person’ is truly upsetting because I’m not. But I feel there is an audience as to whether I’ll say hello to the new comers. The pressure is huge, whatever I do and if I retreat and don’t go out there that will be just as bad. And not hearing from my niece makes me afraid that I will never see her again. She is the only one in the family who bothers with me. Thought she would have wanted to arrange to meet up for lunch or a swim as planned. I just don’t know how much longer I can keep going feeling the way I do. There’s no privacy, a place where I feel safe to retreat to. It’s like living in a goldfish bowl. But at least I’m up and have started the day. Getting routine chores done will get me going and there is some sense of achievement in housework (dishes, changing the bed). Must do the fishtank today so that is a big one as I have to clean the floors and bathroom afterwards. It’s awful that I have to do things to ‘escape’ the sadness but I know it’s there all the time again. Waiting for me to give in.
Looking forward to your mosaic. Playing and exploring is the biggest challenge sometimes. We are so used to having a polished manufactured product that the pathway to creating it is not valued. I enjoy seeing the artistic creativity, making each piece unique. I still have to order my tiles for the patio. Not sure whether to mix colours of blues and greens or just do pale blue with a step detail of dark blue and white. When I’m putting off ordering it’s because I haven’t arrived at my decision. I’ll know instinctively when it’s right.
So here is my lace canopy protecting new plants from poo splatter. It’s everywhere!
Must clean the area. They are dappled shade plants so perfect with the lace overhead.
Had to roughly stitch 3 panels together to create the length but the width was perfect. Mam wouldn’t approve but there’s no point in just keeping things in the loft. And to use them in the garden means I have mam with me again.
Was quite easy attaching to the bamboo trellis with plastic zip ties
and using ribbon to tie onto branches and the flag angels.
Had to move my potted plant display from the back of the pond in order to get in there but I’ve decided to just house them in pots over the summer and dig in in the Autumn, creating a shaded border. Had to move the branches from the pond at the back so I could accommodate the larger potted plants in the pond.
Here’s my yellow water irises to tie in with the other side of the garden.
Hope the other plants take to their bigger pots. Weighting down with gravel and branches seems to have done the trick.
Love the reflection of the tree canopy above. Reminds me of lace.
The birds love flapping about in there and hopping on the branches and pots. They aren’t at all afraid of the net curtain. More inquisitive. Here are the babies in the hanging basket, fighting over fatballs and waiting for their turn sitting on the bench.
Very difficult capturing a them on camera as it’s a hive of activity but there’s always one in the group posing!
They’re really exploring the whole garden now. And so tame when I’m sitting there. Porsch doesn’t bother much but sometimes likes to watch with me.
Dressed the sitting area with another lace canopy (old nets from Ikea)
and the table with bottles and decanters. The last of my birthday bouquet from my sis up north (haven’t heard from her since).
The peg bag for mam was created from a lovely piece of fabric I found at a car bootie
with random buttons and the hanger was wrapped in fabric (started to unravel).
A Mothers Day pressie she loved and used every day.
In tears again! Will crack on and get dressed now as the creep has left but might be back again as it’s a weekend. Have more birds and squirrel pics to post later.
Lots of love xxx