Hi Tina,
I’m so jel of the storm you had. Must have been bad for Tesco to close. It was spitting in a bit again this morn but not enough to stop me sitting out with my cuppa as the bench is sheltered under the tangle of the old climber. Porsch is quite clingy now and wants me with her when she’s out. She’s back in her drawer now after a small bite of food. I can’t force her and she’ll eat when she’s hungry but it is such a worry. Like you say, pets are like children. She’s about 17 now so a huge amount of love and care has gone into her!
I found a voicemail from my niece yesterday about going swimming. Not sure if it was from Friday after suggesting meeting up for swimming and to do the pressies. She had said she was with the boyfriend all weekend. The cynical part of me assumes it is to get the birthday money she wanted. I’ve just left it because she said she was busy.
I’ve stopped looking elsewhere on the forum because it is too upsetting reading about all the sadness. So many families are torn apart by grief. I never had a good or stable relationship with anyone other than mam. So many ego flying around. And because I will always defend myself when pushed there was always tenson there. Even when my sister visited from up north and I offered to help her sort out the outbuilding with trips to the skip (because my car is like a van with all the seats down) she took offense and said she didn’t need me interfering. Whatever I did was taken the wrong way. Didn’t know both sisters were chatting to each other and leaving me out. I had no clue. So to have been dropped isn’t a surprise from the outside looking in but I am still shocked. I thought family were meant to tolerate each other no matter what. And my dad is the worst of all. But I didn’t see it coming. I really didn’t. My therapist has always said my dad doesn’t understand me. But that is no excuse to treat me the way he did. Mam would be appalled.
Quite a bit cooler today so I might try some weeding and tidying if the rain stays away, though it’s very overcast and threatening. I could make a start on digging out debris from between paving slabs in prep for doing more cement. Now I’ve done quite a bit (about half) it’s not such a daunting task. Will have to get more paving to complete it. Be glad when it’s done. Still haven’t used my tiles Might break them up and do a mosaic for the step from the kitchen. So many jobs! When I get the fence completed it will make such an impact and tidy away all the bits. And when the bed behind the pond is planted up it will really transform that space. Might add in some of my roses too. I’m getting there slowly.
At least when it’s wet weather the creep isn’t out with his noisy garden tools. The sunshine energises people and that’s why they’re up and about early. My 6.30 starts have dwindled and Porsch is having to wake me with kisses and paw taps. Looking very overcast again so not sure if I’ll get much done at all. But if not I have 4 garden lights to have to wire and it’s not straight forward. Will have to google it again and try to work it out. They’ve been sitting on the floor for weeks. So if I can get one done the rest will be easy.
What will you do today? Must drive Zoe mad to be cooped up in the house. Think I’ll book a swim for Tuesday after my therapy. I’m already half way there and once I make a start I’ll get back into it again. I’ve really let it slide.
Have my shopping tonight with treats so looking forward to that. Not dressed yet. Still very tired and slow to do anything. I’m usually whizzing around in a frenzy! But here are my pics from yester:
Honeysuckle is starting to open, along with pretty trumpet flowers (another pound shop buy years ago).
Potted daisies remind me of being little
and thrilled to see the begonia growing at least.
My acer hasn’t dies and will be planted with the bamboos
behind the big pond and will hide the fence.
Can’t wait to get the trellis finished to close the window created by the creep (he has cut away the dense foliage blocking his view).
But the canopy of figs is dense overhead and slowly closing the gap where we sit. Shame the figs are dropping off now. They always do.
It’s fun watching the hive of activity as we sit on a morn with all the tiny sparrows and larger babies.
The lawn has grown thicker since throwing the bird seed there.
The squirrels fly about through the trees, up and down the arches with pigeons perched ontop.
Nice to see a thrush too.
The climbing roses have taken a battering but the remaining ones are bowed with the weight of the rain.
I’ve ordered more arches to increase the height of the canopy hanging over the pond and pathway up the garden.
Porsch doesn’t have the interest now in the birds but likes to watch the garden. Not sure what she sees.
Here she is with her ‘sad’ eyes.
I wish I could make her better so she can enjoy life again. But wanting to be out even if she’s just sitting is better than sleeping all day in her drawer. She’s fast asleep and very peaceful at the mo so I’ll finish here and get dressed.
Whatever you are doing I hope your bro leaves you alone!
Lots of love xxx