Hi @Seaneen
I can see you’ve unlisted this thread.
Can you just confirm for us all that this doesn’t mean the thread is closed and explain how we can still access and use it.
Many thanks, Beki x
Hi @Seaneen
I can see you’ve unlisted this thread.
Can you just confirm for us all that this doesn’t mean the thread is closed and explain how we can still access and use it.
Many thanks, Beki x
Hi @Beki, I should have posted to explain, apologies for that. No, it’s not closed, it’s just not visible to anyone who’s not already posting on this thread.
The reason I’ve unlisted it is because it feels like more of a conversation between a group of friends, and this way you can share a little more freely. I hope that makes sense?
Hi everyone,
It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted, time goes so quick. After 4 weeks my knee is still very stiff and on alot of painkillers so I can do my physio exercises every day. But pleased to report the wound has just about healed and I can mainly walk around the house without a crutch. I only use one crutch when I’m outside. Did manage a walk to my local newsagent yesterday, and been to two different garden centre for coffee with my cousin and lunch today with a good friend.
I can get used to this being off work, I will only have 4 weeks left at work until I retire by the time I go back after 12weeks, it would be silly going back early as my job is all standing and heavy lifting , I don’t want to damage my new knee joint and it will be just long enough to sort out my office. I’ve been there along time 28yrs hardly ever had time off, strange to finish this way.
I had some unexpected news when my state pension letter came, I have inherited some of Doug’s state pension, I didn’t know that was a thing. God bless him he’s still looking after me.
That will make life more comfortable for me.
I’ve missed him so much the last couple of weeks been alot of tears, I really could do with a hug from him, he would have been so pleased I finally got something done about my knees.
I have been reading all your posts, it sounds like you are struggling a bit at the moment Alison. I hope you had a nice lunch with Bev today and she had positive news from her consultant.
Tina, I know you struggle with your brother and his determination not to let you help him. You can’t do anymore but be there for him when he needs you.
Hi Christine, I hope you are okay and just having a quiet time at the moment, and as Tina said I hope your neighbours are behaving.
Hope you are okay Nick, Neil and Paulo.
I’m going to watch Mousetrap with my daughter, Neil at our local theatre. I’ve never seen it . I did go to the cinema to watch The Haunted Mansion a few weeks ago, I really enjoyed it.
Speak to you all again soon
Love Debbie xx
Hi Debbie.
I can understand how everything that’s going on will be heightening your feelings. They aren’t little things and it’s hardly surprising they’ve prompted some tears. Suddenly we are aware of mentally “looking around” for those that would be there to offer support and comfort us in times of need and realising things aren’t as they were anymore.
You’ve done Doug proud Debbie, very proud. I can’t begin to imagine the mixed feelings you will have on returning to work for those last four weeks but I can guess they’ll want to spoil you like crazy so make sure you enjoy (not exactly the right word I know) all the attention they’ll want to lavish on you! They’ll be very sad to see you go.
Thanks for the supportive words as well.
Much love xx
Hello Alison.
Sending you some warm wishes. I hope things went ok yesterday.
I hope there’s something nice on the horizon for you to do today. Weekends always feel kind of strange to me, a bit like a no-mans land.
Anyway, I hope you are Ok and will catch up soon.
Much love xx
Morning Christine.
Just wanted to send some greetings and best wishes to you.
Woke up feeling so panicky and afraid at 5am and can’t say it’s abated any since then. I think the change in Season is playing it’s part to some degree.
Sending warm wishes and much love and will drop by again later xx
Hello Saneen
That is an excellent idea, it totally does make sense and thankyou.
Hi Tina
I have just fallen down the stairs. Stupidly missed a step, didn’t put the light on - lesson learnt. I hit my head on the door frame & landed on my knee, which has already started to go black. I have really shaken myself up and it frightens you when you are on your own, nobody to help pick you up. I am annoyed with myself for my stupidity.
Well the news from Bev was good, thankfully. Only cancer in one of the lymph nodes, initially they said it was in most of them. So now she can have radiotherapy rather than chemo. So that starts in 6 weeks. Fingers crossed it works for her. We had a lovely celebratory lunch, lots of laughter, which was great after the last few weeks of worrying. They stayed for most of the afternoon.
The weather here was lovely yesterday morning, but then the rain came & it was torrential and really cold. Good forecast for us today, but tomorrow looks grim. Like you I like the sounds of the outside. There is a railway line near my house & when the strikes are on it is so quiet, and I miss the sound of the trains. I managed to get a few gardening jobs done yesterday morning. Will not get much chance today to potter though. At the races today with mum, not many left now. So another busy day for me.
How strange is that regarding Thursdays for both of us? I hate Thursdays since losing Dad & Rich, clock watch in the evening.
I loved The Bay City Rollers. I was only 13 and can remember cutting up a kilt to make a tartan scarf, mum went mad with me. But I think my first crush was Donny Osmond!!! Life was very innocent in those days compared to nowadays, no mobiles, no internet, no MTV.
I don’t have any children, never had any maternal instincts & luckily Rich did not want kids either. I think I would have been a terrible mother. Still not keen on kids now. Alan was married to my sister and now we have become great mates. Weird how life works out.
Did you make an apple crumble? I don’t have a sweet tooth, so mum took the remainder home, otherwise it would stay in my fridge until it got thrown away.
Have you any plans for today Tina? Hopefully you will have some decent weather & a nice day.
Much love, xxx
Hi Debbie,
Good to hear you are doing better with your knee and managing to go for a walk.
How lovely for you to have inherited some of Doug’s state pension, what a nice surprise. When I came back from holiday in March I found a letter addressed to Rich, which totally threw me. It took me over a week to open it, anyway when I did it was regarding a pension that he was due. After many weeks, with requests for info, I inherited it. Like you I thought he was still looking after me. Also made me a bit sad.
Bev had good news yesterday, only 1 lymph node had cancer. So radiotherapy starts soon, rather than chemo. Such a relief for everyone. She came with mum for lunch yesterday and we had a little celebration.
Hope you have a lovely weekend and manage another walk.
Take care, love Alison xxx
Hi Christine,
Hope you are doing ok and are cracking on with your gardening jobs?
Just thought I would let you know that Bev had good news yesterday, cancer was only in 1 lymph node - so she starts radiotherapy in the next few weeks. We had a little celebration yesterday.
Just fallen down the stairs, so feeling a bit sorry for myself. Missed the step and landed on my knee, hitting my head on the door frame. My knee has already started to go black. So I will be limping today. It was my own fault as I hadn’t put the light on. Lesson learnt.
At the races today with mum, so will not get much done.
Anyway hoping you have managed to get Porshas shrine finished and are finding a bit of happiness somehow.
Thinking of you & sending you much love.
Hi Alison,
I hope your okay after you fall. It can really wind you with the jolt . Make sure someone is keeping an eye on you with banging your head. Have an easy day.
It’s always easy to be wise after the event, I’m guilty of not turning the light on when going to the loo in the middle of the night. But luckily I live in a bungalow no stairs.
Take care and be careful
Love Debbie xx
HI Debbie,
Thank you I am just a bit stiff, landed on my knee - which is turning black. Been out with mum, think my head is ok - not a lot in there to damage luckily. I should know better than going down the stairs without the lights on. Just frightens you a bit when you are on your own. Luckily I had my phone with me, which I don’t always have with me. Was worried I would not be able to get up, but managed. It shakes you up a bit though.
Hope you have had a good day Debbie.
You take care.
Love Alison xx
Hi Alison.
I hate when I have a mishap like that, I’m paranoid about accidents as like you say you feel so vulnerable. Plus as an “over 50” person any hip injury goes with complications and that alone is quite terrifying. Mum broke her hip and apart from the Alzheimer’s it just accelerated things. Thankfully it doesn’t sound like you have damaged your knee joint, that would be the last thing you need. Hope it’s not too painful for too long.
No, I’m not maternal at all either. Think it’s with being the eldest of 3 siblings as losing our Dad when I was 9 or 10 I had to be more responsible to help Mum. My Husband was 20years older than me and had his own adult kids when we met. I see all these Mum’s at the school gates and I’m not disappointed that I wasn’t one of them. (Makes me sound a right monster!) My Husband wasn’t overly bothered about having any more kids as it happened.
I’m so pleased for Bev. She must be jumping for joy as far as the Lymph nodes situation is concerned. I can imagine it will all be upsetting and scary just the same but it’s a little boost isn’t it having had this good news along the way.
It poured down that day I was going to the Supermarket so I didn’t get to do the Apple Crumble but I’m hoping to get to the shops tomorrow and get a couple of ingredients I didn’t have and will do one when I come back.
My Sister was the Donny Osmond fan, and then at school it was David Cassidy everyone was swooning over whilst I was more into David Soul. Memories of a time long ago, where does it all go! Oh well not to bother !!
Speak again and have a good evening.
Hope the knee doesn’t keep you awake!
Much love xx
Hi Christine.
Thinking of you and hoping you are coping. As usual I don’t have any “happy” news to chatter on about but just wanted to say “good evening”. I was just thinking earlier if you’d managed to get to the Remembrance Garden yet. It’s not been the best of weather at the moment so can understand it may be difficult right now.
Weekends are really strange aren’t they, Everywhere is kind of closed down but not. I had every intention of going to the shops first thing as I was up just after 6am but would you believe I was a bit scared of going out in the semi-light and didn’t go. I couldn’t find the motivation to do so later in the day so Tomorrow it will have to be.
I hope you’ve been able to get to therapy this week Christine, I do keep wondering if you have been able to make it and how you have been.
Well I’ll sign off now and go and do some tidying, it doesn’t really need it but I don’t have the TV on at the weekend as it’s dreadful so tidying will keep me occupied.
Keep well and safe Christine
Much love xx
@christine51 just wanted to say hi as you seem to have gone dark again. Hopefully you’re keeping yourself busy and getting the most done in the garden that the weather will allow you to do.
The weather is just chilly now and seems such a juxtaposition to what it was like two weeks ago x
Up at the Loch has got a bit lighter in visitors now the Osprey have well and truly gone but now we are doing bat walks etc now the nights are earlier dark it should still be fun.
I won’t be up there for a couple of weeks now as next week is my friends birthday and think we’re all going 10 pin bowling and then the Sat after that my niece and I are away to Comic Con in Edinburgh like we’ve been the last few years so should be good.
What are you doing with yourself? Have you seen your niece/nephew at all lately? x
Having spoken to a few people lately think the melancholy has set in for a few of us x just have to remind myself that we’ve dragged ourselves out of it before so can do it again.
Hope you feel able to post soon but until then know you are missed x
@NEILB72 how’s things with you this week? Been keeping busy? Just seem to have worked all week and all I have to show for it is a migraine and a cold lol x that’s what I get for putting out Xmas stock in September x
Booked tickets to go see Steve Backshall talk in November. Seen him a few times before but like the way he educates kids and adults at the same time without patronising plus not gonna lie he is also a treat to the eyes lol x
Our local theatre is showing some weird concept show whereby it seems to be one guy acting his way through all the episodes of Buffy The Vampire slayer as read by Spike! I am very much intrigued but not sure at same time…will let you know if I go or not x
Also trying to find someone to go to see Saw X with me next week but so far no one wants to but mind you the last 8 we’re lame so maybe no surprise x
Hope you are keeping ok and have been up to something interesting this week.
Until then take care and much love x
@Tina19 I have not one maternal bone in my body and I have no regrets of not having kids. I was always too selfish to want to put them first…needy wee gits .
@warriner21 hope you knee and head are both ok now and getting hurt/ill when living alone can be a bit of a harsh reality check but luckily you have people who would miss you and you could contact x
Love to best wishes to @Nick22 and everyone else here…gives us alll something to be grateful for xx
Hi Tina
Feeling a bit battered this morning, had a bad nights sleep as I couldn’t get comfortable. Knee & leg are a lovely shade of purple now. I hadn’t thought about the complications of an over 50 year old breaking a hip, that has made me think that I do need to be more careful. It is just scary when you are on your own with nobody to help you get up.
If you are a monster for not wanting kids; if you are then I am too. Some people just do not have those maternal instincts. Kinder not to have kids if you don’t want them in my eyes. I can remember people saying to me “you need kids to look after you when you are older”, but I have friends who’s children don’t bother with their parents at all. There is no guarantee that children will look after their parents. Gosh you were very young to lose your Dad, that must have been tough for you.
We had lovely weather yesterday, sunny but got chilly later. We went to the races & had a lovely day. There was a George Michael tribute afterwards, he was very good but the sound system was not - so we struggled to hear him. Stayed for about 40 minutes then mum was feeling cold so we came back to my house.
The forecast for today is not brilliant, but might get into the garden for a bit. I want to do some pruning & rake the leaves up.
David Cassidy - wow, forgotten about him. Do you remember The Partridge Family? Was not keen on David Soul. Do you ever watch those programmes on Channel 5 where they show music & videos from the 70’s/80’s/90’s - very entertaining.
Hope you have a good day today Tina & manage to get to the shops for your apple crumble ingredients.
Lots of love xx
Hi Suzanne
The bat walks sound interesting. The only thing that would put me off that is the thought of them getting into my hair, once heard a horror story about someone getting one stuck in their hair. Not sure though if that is just an urban myth?
Head is ok. Knee & leg are a lovely shade of purple this morning, and very stiff. Did shake me up a bit & realise I need to be more careful. The worry is how long would you lay there before someone misses you and decides to check on you.
Hope you have a good Sunday.
Best wishes xx
Hi everyone
Just thought I would drop in and post a few pics from yesterday’s theatre trip to the National. As expected The Father and the Assassin was a very powerful and very good play. Got a history lesson at the same time. The true story of the man who murdered Gandhi . Both the lead actors were brilliant. Booked my next Royal Ballet ticket yesterday too for next month!
Sending love to you all
Best wishes
Neil x
Morning all.
Sorry not been on in a while. Things have been a bit crap!
Hi Alison if I’ve not said hello before!
Just popping on to say I hope everyone’s as ok as they can be and thinking of you all.
Lots of love,
Nic xxx