Hi Christine

I was just saying to Alison that I had stopped by to see if you had been around. I don’t have anything nice or uplifting to share sadly but wanted to say Hi nonetheless.

Your gardening expertise has been missed as well Christine. It’s not the same without your gardening chat.

I’ll bid you goodnight and hope tomorrow is kind on you and us all.

Much love xx


Hi Tina

Very envious of your woodburner. And I am very impressed that you cut up pallets for kindling, super woman or what! It must be cheaper than having the heating on especially if you are getting free wood for it. Rich worked at a haulage yard & it was his plan to have a woodburner & feed it with the pallets from work, sadly not to be.

I am very slow with the jigsaws, I don’t seem to have the logical brain that can work out where the pieces fit. But I keep plodding on, it occupies my mind better than watching TV. I usually fall asleep watching TV, so try not to watch it until later at night. I always have one on the go & when anyone comes round they usually end up doing some of it, which I don’t mind. I could not do a double sided one, it would scramble my brain totally. I always photograph them when I finish, you are right though not the same when you have nobody to show off your handiwork. I haven’t tried the Diamond Art/Paining Kits, maybe something I could try. I bought a rag rug kit during lock down, never started it - now I cannot find it, no idea where I have put it! Hopefully it will turn up sometime.

Going to have a look in the shed for some plant pots & rooting powder today - to put my fuchsia cuttings into. But it is a really miserable day here, not a great forecast at all.

Not a fan of waffles. I once bought an omelette maker & I have never used it - had it too long to take it back, might use it one day.

We didn’t have a great night last night. There was a large party of blokes in the pub who were going to the Indian, they were so loud we could not hear each other talking. It was a relief when they left. The service at the pub wasn’t great, we got our food & then had to wait for plates/cutlery. Mum said her food was only lukewarm, mine was ok but not as good as usual. Still it was nice to get out, I was feeling very low & lonely yesterday. It just hits you some days.

Not doing anything much today, pottering & then watching the racing in Paris this afternoon. Mum might come over for tea, will give her a ring later. She had her covid booster jab yesterday, so will see how she is feeling.

Do not apologise for gabbing, we all need to chat & I really enjoy your chatty messages.

Hope you have a good day and manage to get some enjoyment from it.

Much love, Alison xx


Hi everyone,

I have decided to step back from the forum I’ve been thinking about it for a while. It’s been loverly chatting to you all as we have helped each other on this unwanted journey.
Christine I do hope your alright as it was reading your posts that first drew me to this thread.
Doug has been gone for 30 months now and in the early days this forum was a life saver for me, I have made some lovely friends not only on this thread but on the others under losing a partner/husband, and I’m sure that those friendships with carry on for years. You all know who you are, as I’m in WhatsApp groups with many of you.
@christine51 I’m sending you a private message shortly.
Please take care everyone, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs to you all

Debbie xx


Dear Debbie,

Have always found your words very supportive and comforting and wanted to thank you for that. Haven’t been posting recently but always read everyone’s posts, thinking of you all and wanted to send wishes to you and your family Debbie, for your retirement hoping you make a full recovery with your knee.

With warm wishes, thoughts, prayers, hugs and love to all xx


Hi Debbie,

Good luck to you for your retirement and the future. I hope your knee is on the mend.

Take care, love Alison xx


Hi Debbie
Fully understand you stepping away from the forum. As you say it has been a lifesaver for us all.
It has been lovely to speak to you on here ( hopefully will again at some stage).
Sending very best wishes for your retirement .
Lots of love
Neil x


Hi Alison

Hope today finds you well.

Did you manage the fuschia cuttings? It makes things a little harder when the weather’s not that great for jobs like that doesn’t it. Fiddly outdoor jobs and bad weather leads to cold fingers and that’s not good!

I don’t really know where I am with the Flu and COVID Jab situations. I’ve had a text for the Flu I know that. I’d be on the lookout for information at one point when I had Mum here but seems little point for myself. The only other person at home is my brother and he has refused all jabs so don’t know what I’ll decide in the end,

Pity you didn’t have a brilliant experience on the trip out. It takes the shine off a bit but if you enjoyed the company and being out then it was a good night.

Not doing so much today although I will have to nip to the supermarket before the end of the day for one or 2 items. It’s only a 15 minute walk so it’s a bit of exercise as well. I was hoping for a “No Spend Day”!! It’s not the items you know you want that cost the most it’s the extra items you see when you get there! With the extra weight I’m carrying I’d be better with a “No Eat Day” instead.

You are right Alison it does hit harder on some days. It will be another year gone by without my Husband on 6th October. He passed away the day after my Birthday. Sometimes I get this strange feeling like being married was someone else’s life not mine. The plan was my Husband would help me when the time came that I’d lose Mum but Nature had other ideas and it happened in reverse. Don’t want to write miserable things so will stop there.

I’ve seen the rag rug kits around. My Niece bought me a latch kit rug for Christmas last year and you had to fasten 1inch strands of wool to a canvas grid with a little tool thing. What an experience that was! I don’t know if they are the same kind of thing you did.

Well have a nice evening. I’m hoping the Soaps are on this evening. I don’t watch EastEnders but always watch Corrie and Emmerdale,

Much love xx


Hi Christine

Just wanted to say hello in case you dropped by the forum today. Always wondering how you are getting on and hope you are coping.

Nothing much to tell that’s any different really. I think my nextdoor neighbour has retired as he’s never been out of the house for three weeks and for someone I never physically see he isn’t half an oppressive presence. Faffing about diy-ing in the back garden or blaring the TV out. I’m forever watching Zoe that she doesn’t bark too long or too loud in case he complains to someone. Quite difficult when she can hear the Amazon van from the next road and it comes round three times a day. She hates
the Amazon van and goes bonkers.

Have you started any different projects now it’s not quite as easy (or pleasant enough) to be outside? Motivation is still really quite low for me but I’ve done bits when I’ve felt like I could do.

Keep well and hopefully hear from you soon.

Much love xx


Hi Tina

I am fine thank you. Hope you are ok?

Did manage to take the fuchsia cuttings and got them planted. Waiting to see if they work out ok. Worth a try. Watch this space. It is a really grey day here, rain due soon. No inclination to go & do anything in the garden.

Like you I am not bothered about the flu & covid jabs for myself, but I have both the jabs as don’t want to give mum anything.

I went to Sainsburys this morning with a list, got in the shop & had lost my list. Realised when I got home that I had forgotten 2 things, so will have to call again tomorrow morning. I was good this morning & didn’t buy anything extra. I drive there though, so I am not as healthy as you with your walking.

I had a very lonely, sad day yesterday alone. Hated it, some days I don’t mind my own company, but it depends what sort of mood you are in I suppose. I get what you mean about being married was someone else’s life, I have got to the stage where I am forgetting what it was like to be part of a couple. And cannot remember what it was like to feel really happy, how sad is that. I enjoy things, but they are just not the same. A very odd feeling. Nature is a very cruel b…r sometimes, sorry to swear - just how I feel. It must be tough that you lost your husband the day after your birthday. It must be playing on your mind this week, you poor thing - I really feel for you.

I never got to do the rag rug kit, cannot find it. It will turn up one day. Also I have a tapestry kit that someone bought me, might be a project for the winter nights. I am going jigsaw crazy now. Finished it today & already started the other one in the box.

I don’t watch any soaps, not my cup of tea - I watch a lot of documentaries. Mostly about murders, I am a bit strange.

I am going to the theatre tonight to see Joan Collins talking about her life, my birthday present to mum - should be different, not quite sure what to expect. Will let you know. We are going to Prezzo for tea first, so no cooking.

Hope you have a nice evening & enjoy your soaps.

Love from Alison xx


Hi Tina

Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, even though I know it is not really a happy day for you due to sad memories. But I do hope that you manage to have a nice, peaceful day with some lovely cake.

Hope to chat with you soon.

Take care & much love,
Alison xx


Hi Christine,

Hope you are ok? Just wanted to know that I miss reading your messages, but I know that it is sometimes difficult for you. I hope you have not had too much stress from the creep & your other troubling neighbours.

Take care & hopefully hear from you soon.

Lots of love, Alison xxx


Hi Tina
Just popped in to wish you a Happy Birthday. Birthdays are very different now without loved ones but hope you can have as good a day as possible.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Dear Tina, with warm thoughts and hugs on your birthday. Wishing you a peaceful day, as best as it can be.
Hoping your brother can get his results soon.
A kiss to the lovely Zoe too hoping she is as good as gold today and that there aren’t too many Amazon deliveries ;)! Love and hugs xx


Hi Tina

Just a quick message to wish you well for today. I know that these anniversary days are awful & very hard to get through. I hope it is not too upsetting/unsettling for you.

Take care of yourself.

Much love, Alison xxx


Dear Tina,

Sending hugs xx


Hello Alison.
Thankyou for the “Happy Birthday”. It came and went so today it’s the anniversary. 2016. Strange really as the passage of time too feels like a loss and I think a lot of people say similar.

Hope you had a good time. I so love that Jigsaw. I have quite a few unopened jigsaws and it’s such a shame they never got used as although my Husband bought them he’d always have other commitments but of course that’s life isn’t it.

It’s nice to catch up as I haven’t felt up to it over the last few days but hope to drop in tomorrow, all being well.

Take care and keep well and keep those lights on in the dark when moving about!!

Much love xx


Hello Palou

Thankyou for your kind words Palou, I hope you are getting along ok and you are well. Another weekend upon us yet again. I’m sure there is more than one Saturday and Sunday to a week because to me it always seems to be at least one of the two. Well take care and keep well.

Much love xx



Thankyou Palou, I hadn’t seen this message and replied to one of yours further down the page first , or at least I hope I did. I can’t trust my own judgement lately. He hasn’t got any results yet and if the Postman doesn’t come tomorrow by the time he can call them on Monday it will be five and a half weeks. The mind seriously boggles doesn’t it. Zoe loves it when the Amazon Van is around. Most of the vans are electric so goodness knows how she hears them because I certainly don’t when I nearly get knocked down by them as I cross the road! Like many vehicles these days they are completely silent when they are mixed in with other traffic. I think I’m veering off topic slightly of topic a bit as per usual!

Keep well and much love to you xx


Hello Neil

Thankyou so much I appreciate the Birthday wishes. Yes you are very much right about special dates. Are you going to the Abba concert? When I first saw it advertised I thought they were a good likeness tribute until my Brother said it’s one of those hologram appearances, unless of course he’s having me on!

Yet another weekend so have a good and safe one xx


Hi Tina

Lovely to hear from you yesterday.

I hope that yesterday was not too hard for you. The anniversaries of the loss we have suffered are days to just get through from year to year. I agree with you that the passage of time also fees like a loss, and sometimes I wonder how I am still here without that one person who loved me unconditionally.

I am very slow at doing jigsaws, but they are the distraction that I need at certain times. I have started the other one in the box, but not getting on very well with it - the outside is done & I seem to have ground to a halt. It seems harder than the last one. You have not thought about doing one of the unopened ones?

I have not been up to much this week. Went out for lunch on Wednesday with mum & Bev, which was lovely. Planning on a jaunt to Harrogate tomorrow afternoon with Alan & mum. But not much else going on. Trying to get some jobs done in the garden, pruning, leaf collecting & general tidying up.

It is a really dark day here today, very depressing - I am hoping it brightens up a bit. Got some washing done & would like it to dry outside. Hoovering & dusting on the agenda, oh what an exciting life I lead nowadays.

I always put the lights on now when going up & down the stairs, I have learnt my lesson hopefully.

I read in your reply to Palou that your brother still has not got his results, I hope that the postman brings some good news today. Shocking amount of time to have to wait.

You take care & hope you have a decent sort of day today, whatever that involves.

Lots of love, Alison xx