Hi Tina
Very envious of your woodburner. And I am very impressed that you cut up pallets for kindling, super woman or what! It must be cheaper than having the heating on especially if you are getting free wood for it. Rich worked at a haulage yard & it was his plan to have a woodburner & feed it with the pallets from work, sadly not to be.
I am very slow with the jigsaws, I don’t seem to have the logical brain that can work out where the pieces fit. But I keep plodding on, it occupies my mind better than watching TV. I usually fall asleep watching TV, so try not to watch it until later at night. I always have one on the go & when anyone comes round they usually end up doing some of it, which I don’t mind. I could not do a double sided one, it would scramble my brain totally. I always photograph them when I finish, you are right though not the same when you have nobody to show off your handiwork. I haven’t tried the Diamond Art/Paining Kits, maybe something I could try. I bought a rag rug kit during lock down, never started it - now I cannot find it, no idea where I have put it! Hopefully it will turn up sometime.
Going to have a look in the shed for some plant pots & rooting powder today - to put my fuchsia cuttings into. But it is a really miserable day here, not a great forecast at all.
Not a fan of waffles. I once bought an omelette maker & I have never used it - had it too long to take it back, might use it one day.
We didn’t have a great night last night. There was a large party of blokes in the pub who were going to the Indian, they were so loud we could not hear each other talking. It was a relief when they left. The service at the pub wasn’t great, we got our food & then had to wait for plates/cutlery. Mum said her food was only lukewarm, mine was ok but not as good as usual. Still it was nice to get out, I was feeling very low & lonely yesterday. It just hits you some days.
Not doing anything much today, pottering & then watching the racing in Paris this afternoon. Mum might come over for tea, will give her a ring later. She had her covid booster jab yesterday, so will see how she is feeling.
Do not apologise for gabbing, we all need to chat & I really enjoy your chatty messages.
Hope you have a good day and manage to get some enjoyment from it.
Much love, Alison xx