Hi Tina,
Just posted very old Halloween pics. I’m feeling really exhausted again so it’s a very quick hello until tomorrow. Your trip to the Bygone Times sounds intriguing. Would have been so hard to choose something to but so you did well in your glass bits. Will look very pretty on display.
We had a torrential downpour and I didn’t fancy swimming in the cold water (it’s the first time I’ve felt really cold) so I came home and slept. Will catch up properly tomorrow hun.
Lots of love xxx
Suzanne said she had the same problem so don’t know what is going on. My laptop is ok. Hope you get it sorted. Just googled:
Charging issues are one of the most frequent causes of black screen issues . If your phone isn’t charging properly, try cleaning the charging port with a dry, clean, soft-bristle brush (like a brand-new toothbrush). Then plug your phone in and let it charge for a while. Make sure the buttons aren’t jammed.
Hi Suzanne,
Happy Hallo to you too babe! I posted my old pics but I’m so tired again it took all my effort just to get on here. Think all my jobs have caught up with me. Didn’t go swimming as I was so cold. Fell asleep when I got in. Just watching The Terrifier. Have you seen it? You’ll love it if you like horror. Really gory and freaky. See if you have charging issues with your phone for the black screen.
Soz it’s a really quick hello. Will catch up properly tomorrow.
Lots of love xxx
Hi Tina,
Oh sounds like a lovely day for you - sort of job I hate, I dread having to deal with things like this. Lots of bleach. I have a loo phobia, I have been known to back out of public toilets when they are unpleasant - retching.
I don’t think it has stopped raining since I came back from Spain. Another day of rain here today. It is starting to get a bit depressing.
Glad you managed to get to Bygone Times with your sister. Sounds brilliant. Did you buy anything. I hate the antique shops that chase you around while you are browsing, always puts me off. I agree with your comment about the stories attached to things, that is something I always think about when we get full house clearances in the charity shop. Find it very sad.
Pizza was ok - not as good as usual. We normally have pepperoni & honey, which is gorgeous, but they didn’t have that one on last night. I was waiting for Alan to arrive and just ordered a salami one. It was tasteless, very bland tasting. Not had a pizza for ages so I was a bit disappointed.
Fingers crossed my IBS will be ok today. At least I don’t feel as poorly as I did yesterday. Having my hair done today - so don’t want to be rushing to her loo every few minutes. Desperate to get it cut, it is too long & in my eyes.
Hope you have a good day Tina and manage to get to the shops to get some bargains.
Take care & much love, Alison xx
Hi Christine,
Love the Halloween photos - amazing. You certainly go to town with the decorations. Some of the houses in the village have got brilliant fronts to them, decorated with huge cobwebs - must take people ages to decorate them.
Walking down to the pub last night there were hoards of kids running round dressed up with orange buckets. At least it wasn’t pouring down, just drizzling.
As I was telling Tina the pizza was a bit bland last night. Still enjoyed it - but not up to the usual standard.
I don’t enjoy having my hair done at all - just a necessity to me. I hate having to sit in front of a mirror looking at myself. Having my highlights done today so a longer appointment. I will take a book with me to ease the boredom.
Hope you have a good productive day, whatever you are up to.
Will check in later.
Lots of love, Alison xx
Hi Alison,
I used to love going to the hairdressers, sitting under the driers having treatments, flicking through the mags with a cuppa. When I was growing my white hair out I was always round there getting a trim to make it grow faster. I can’t sit long enough now with my anxiety but desperately need it cutting. Wondering if my niece would do it for me. She texted me late yester saying how busy she was. Still no reference or even a mention of it. Will have to contact them today and see if she’s done it.
OMG I am so tired. Have my plants being delivered later. Hope to get some planted and now I have all the lights and it’s not a black hole out there I should get some done if h’s not too late. I miss going to the garden centre, unpacking the car and having the trays laid out waiting for me. Not the same with online shopping. Did you have a look for pansies?
Shame you didn’t enjoy your pizza. I’ve been inspired to do that Friday when the kids come over. Must go back to Sainsburys for fat marshmallows again. Started on the last bag last night! No willpower and feeling very bloated this morn.
It was nice looking back at the old Halloween. Not many pics taken as we were too busy having fun. The kids are grown now (twenties) so you can see how long ago that was. Don’t think I could fit into that costume now! Garden looks so bare. I had just had my gravel patio laid then. It’s amazing how small the space looks now with the pergola and furniture.
There was an amazing huge cobweb created from white lights suspended from a bedroom window over a front garden. I still have to carve mine for Fri. Looking very damp out there. And the birds aren’t feasting like they usually do. Think I might be a bit late this morn. But I have seen my baby squirrel.
My jobs for today are fishtank (always a hated choir but quite relaxing once I’ve started it. Water is calming) and planting my pots later. Always have a full on cleaning of floors and bathroom after the tank as I have to drag the hose through the bathroom window, down the hall and into the sitting room. So floor rugs have to be cleared and the floors swept before everything goes back down. I hate cleaning! Especially the loo. I have your fear of public toilets. The loos at swimming often make me wretch. Stinks of sewage before you get to them. And when they have the ‘special’ people in there’s often a lot of weeing in cubicles and the poor staff have to clean it up. Gross! I missed my swim yester so my routine is a bit off now.
Are you doing anything else nice today after your hair? I’ll be looking for my xmas tree when I go back to the park, after my Hallo party. That will be my next garden adventure.
Will be making my batches of soup today too so quite a busy day ahead. Will pop back later if I get a chance.
Lots of love xxx
Hi @Tina19 and @Suzanne30, thanks for flagging this issue. I think it’s to do with dark mode and have sent you both a PM.
Take care,
Testing dark mode possible issue.
Test message
Test Mode 2nd message.
Thanks Saneen.
I’ve sent a PM in return but all is well again now!!
Once again thanks for assisting.
Kind regards
Hi Tina,
I was so zonked out yester and couldn’t do my usual chat so I’m back again, although not very refreshed after my sleep. I do tend to do a lot and then become so exhausted that I can’t do anything. But my jobs today are cleaning the fishtank and the usual aftermath of floors and bathroom with the mess it creates (hose through the bathroom window and hall into the sitting room), more soup making, hopefully getting some plants potted up if my delivery isn’t too late. I still have the pumpkins and gourds to do but am inspired by the old Hallo pics. I know it’s done now but I’ll try to make it as exciting as I can! Looking very damp out there. The downpour yesterday was torrential. Makes a real mess with the bird food.
Your Bygone Times sounds like a tardis of treasures! I used to really enjoy the craft fairs in the run up to xmas. It was great finding extra gifts you would have never seen in the shops. Trick was to buy as you went round and not think you’d go back.
Babe, just had a scam phone call for The Modern Milkman. All very confusing but I’ve contacted my bank and cancelled my card. I refused to make the payment over the phone and he wouldn’t send me the discount code via email for me to use on the official trust pilot site. So annoyed as I’ll have to go into the bank with photo id for cash now. So many people get conned these days. I can see why with all the confusion. I’ve told the actual company too as it could be an employee. Waiting for them to get back to me. Online and telephone scams are huge business. Well that has certainly woke me up! And no online food shopping now. So annoyed.
Just noticed you’ve had a reply about the dark screen. Are you sorted now? Hope so.
Tina I’ll get back to you later. Really done my head in thinking I’ve been conned. I haven’t because I’ve checked my account but I’m still trying to work out how it’s happened. They obviously were on the official website to make my order over the phone because they had the prices. If I had gone ahead with the ‘payment’ which was obviously fake, they would have had access to my bank. Targeting official companies with good reviews is a clever way of getting information.
I hope you are able to replace your microwave plate. I’d be totally lost without mine. It won’t rotate without the plate. And you would need the plate for your particular microwave. One size doesn’t fit all. Bet that was a huge job to clear up!
Will go now babe so I can get started on the fishtank. Hope to get batches of soup done inbetween.
Lots of love xxx
Hi Christine,
Hair done & now back home. Detest having my hair done and find it so boring having to sit all that time. I took a book with me but it was rubbish, will find another book to start. My hair grows really fast - so needed the cut desperately.
Shame your niece has not let you see the reference she has done for you.
Not looked at pansies yet - trying to curtail my spending until after my next credit card bill is despatched. Going to pay this months tomorrow, but next months will be a biggie.
The photos were great. Will you take some more when you have your niece & nephew round on Friday? My camera has decided to work today, but think it is on it’s way out.
Good luck with the fishtank. Sounds like you have a busy day in store. My cleaning day is Saturday in the morning, sometimes Friday.
Disgusting people weeing in the cubicles at the swimming baths. During the summer when I was at the races I was stood on a back balcony & there were at least 10 blokes weeing, openly, up a wall. There are so many toilets at the races. Dirty dogs.
Not going out again now. Will be pottering around at home all day/evening. Could do to get into the garden, but it is so damp & soggy. Cannot believe it will ever dry out. Can see into the back garden & the trees are blowing like mad. Hope the storm is not too bad tomorrow as catching the bus. Car going to go up onto the ramps for a look underneath by a friend, got an advisory on my MOT earlier in the year, so he is checking it out for me.
Will pop back later this evening.
Lots of love, Alison xx
Hi Alison,
I’m mid way through the fishtank, having refilled and am emptying until the next refill soo have 5 mins to pop in. Always a big job (2-3 hours) and a big upheaval with the house, but it’s worth it when it’s done. Already made 2 batches of soup and had 2 washes on so doing well. Had to contact my bank with the scam / phonecall (for the Modern Milkman) I had and cancel my card just incase. Wanted me to do the payment online but nothing was in my basket and he wouldn’t send me the discount code so sounded very iffy. A big headache having to wait for the new card but better to be safe. I cantacted fraud and the company itself but won’t be going anywhere near them for an order. That certainly woke me up! Will be having my plants delivered later so hope I can get some of them done. Been raining and just really damp put there so don’t fancy it. Oh I was busy too sorting my bird seed into new plastic tubs.
Plants just arrived so I’ll have to sort them out. Always very healthy from Gardening Express. I certainly do have a hectic day on today!
Glad you got your hair done. And you are lucky to have a car pal to look at your advisory. I’ve been using my mechanic for years but very pricy at £70 an hour! But it’s just up the street and he’ll collect and drop me back with my anxiety. We (dad and I) have known him for years. Mine is due in March so have the winter to get through. Should be ok. I don’t go far and had some big jobs done in the last couple of years. Keeps it going.
I can just imagine all the men weeing in a line at the races. Hilarious!
Just got a copy of my therapists character reference and it’s great. Knew it would be. Still chasing my niece for hers (this is getting ridiculous now).
Must turn the hose back on again now so must dash. I will be taking pics for Fridays party. Just hope the rain stays away.
Lots of love xxx
Hi Christine,
The fishtank cleaning sounds a big job. You are having a busy, productive day by the sound of it.
I got my credit card scammed back in 2021, somehow they spent over £5,000 on it buying clothes on line & just eat orders. Took ages to sort out. Then earlier this year I got a text from the credit card company again re another suspected scan purchase - this time for £1.91. When I rang them they cancelled my card again, as they try the small purchase then if it gets through they go for more bigger purchases. Crazy how they manage to use the card when you have it in your possession all the time. Was advised to get a blocking anti scan aluminium card holder - I was told they can scan your card while you are buying petrol at the self pay pumps. Fingers crossed they don’t manage to scam me again.
Too cold & windy to get out in the garden for me today. Spent the afternoon listing things for sale on F/B and G/Tree.
Rich was a mechanic - so car problems are a nightmare for me. His best mate has 4/5 garages but is no help at all. In fact I have not seen or heard from him since June. And he even lives in the same village as me. I have known him over 30 years. He told me before I lost Rich that Rich he asked him to look after me!!! Doing a crap job there.
Glad you got a copy of your character reference from your therapist. Sorry but in my eyes your niece needs a kick up the a…e. Not nice messing people around, after all you do for them too.
Getting dark now. Going to empty my dishwasher.
Lots of love xx
Hi Christine,
Managed to get out in the garden later on this afternoon. Collected up loads of leaves. Also had a fire in my chimenea, it was full of shoe boxes & paper rubbish. Love a good fire. Photo below, not the best photo. Quite envious of Tina’s woodburning stove. Would love one, but when we enquired about the cost of them the outside flue was over £1000.
Hope you managed to finish all your jobs.
Sat chilling in front of TV now watching a Christmas film, will go on to murder documentaries later on.
Enjoy your evening.
Lots of love, Alison xx
Forgot to turn the photo round.
Hi Christine:)
The issue with screen was something technical so over my head lol but one of the moderators sorted it for me so was very grateful x
No never seen the Terrifier and sounds like someone I would like so will check it out x
Sorry to read you’re feeling tired but the amount of energy you have put into Halloween garden etc is mental so no wonder you are x
Love the photos as always x
Just wanted to let you know the screen situation was all sorted xx
@NEILB72 you doing ok this week Neil as you are even more quiet than usual?
Hope all is well and miss your posts x
Hi Christine
Just lost all my message to you that I was typing. I’ll drop in later. I think I’m being haunted by technology at the moment.
I’ll get back shortly.
Much love xx