Hi Alison,
I’m really not feeling great today (think I have a cold coming and no energy) but cleaned the bathroom, washed my hair (very long so always a chore) and unpacked the last of my plants order (more pansies and bugle (very pretty). They’re out on the step getting a drink and I’ll plant them later if I feel up to it. I was out there last night until after 9 potting on all my little treasures:

and a collection of evergreens,

hardy mums lucky dip,

polyanthus (hope they pick up the colours in the ribbons),



and a pink hydrangea I hope doesn’t die on me (they always seem to and I can’t work out why).
Here’s my bugle (gets pretty blue flowers).

Looks quite effective in a collection of small pots

but I gave quite a few to my friend and may need to take them back! to finish my planting.
The sensor light came in very handy indeed

with a great light to work by

but the one at the back gate needs a new bulb (after much fiddling about taking everything apart for testing).

Check out all my bolts on that gate after hearing someone trying to slide the bolt along one night. I barricade the path with stuff so I’ll hear them if they do get in. Will be one of the neighbours.
Today is a dull, very wet, windy and cold affair but Porscha’s ribbons have had fun blowing about. Soz, terrible blur but adds to the drama and the wafting!

My fig tree is starting to fall now

and the rose tree is laden with hops for the birds.

One small rose marks the end of Autumn as we head into winter.

I will be totally overlooked and visited by the bloody drone when the trees become bare.

But before all of that I created an Asda shop, thinking I could use my credit card until my other card came, but was told it had been closed because I hadn’t used it for such a long time. So totes stuck. Phoned my niece and luckily she answered. Was able to transfer money to her account and her onto my shopping so I could get the food in for the party tomorrow night. Such a faff. But at least I know I only have to wait a few days and no money was taken. I do hope you got your money back. It happened to my sister. They can use a machine to read your card sitting next to you having coffee. Could have happened anywhere. I always check my banking every day so would notice straight away if anything was odd.
I did ask about the reference and she read it to me. Totes fab. Gave me a glowing reference and more, referring to me helping my friend with trips to the vet and sorting out the cremation of Robin. So I just have to wait for them to contact me to do a home visit and then give me some furry babies to nurture. Really looking forward to it now. I felt very guilty at first, thinking how upset and jel Porsch would be.
Hearing about Rich’s mate looking after you (not!) reminds me of my dad and how awful he has behaved. It’s my sisters birthday today. I haven’t sent a card because she will never speak to me again (whatever the reason is - I still don’t know) but I asked if dad had and my niece told me that he told my sister she could buy a card for herself from him if she wanted to! He’s made no plans to see her to celebrate, whether that is a visit or taking them over to him. I honestly don’t understand it. He only goes over there when he wants something. Mam would be so upset if she knew the state of the family now. I always thought it was just me he was mean to. So I sent my niece enough to get some cake and tea party bits to celebrate. My nephew is only 10. He doesn’t understand what is happening. I’ve always helped the kids do stuff like this. Seems to be my role in life!
Can’t quite believe how dark it is now (4.30). The birds seem to have retired to bed and I think I’ll snuggle down too and watch Crime (Irvine Welch) after I’ve caught up with everyone. See ya later hun.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Suzanne,
Glad you are sorted with the screen thing. Tech makes me scream! when it doesn’t work. And when I do sort something out there’s no sense of satisfaction. More a case of ‘Thank God for that!’
Yes, the Terrifier really is terrifying. So watch it. I’m surprised it was on telly actually. Halloween has been a bit of a washout with the rain. Feel sorry for the kids but my nephew did a few hours around his. They’ll be over tomorrow for picky bits, cake (red velvet with cream!) and toasting mallows in the fire things if I can dry them out after the downpour we’ve had. Was posting to Alison about the palava paying for the shopping because I had cancelled my card with the Modern Milkman phonecall and had to transfer funds to my niece and put her account onto mine. But it’s done now so sorted. Needed dogfood for the foxes.
My niece gave me a glowing reference for the cats (still not sent me a copy but read it out and their reply) so just waiting now to hear from them. Hope it’s not a handful! But even if it is I’ll cope. Have had some proper scatty babies. Marmalade took down a massive xmas tree one year. Dolt know how he managed it but he certainly had fun. Baubles everywhere on xmas morn. It was either him or Santa having a one too many!
Can’t face going out to plant up the rest of my pansies and will have to take back the small plant pots I gave my friend. What a friend I am! He’ll be gutted.
Are you back at work now? I was quite taken by surprise that the xmas adverts have started already. Totes unprepared and no excitement, more dread. But I’m looking forward to getting my xmas tree. Will do it with the kids and I’m really pleased that my older nephew has some time off work to join us. I really miss seeing them all and doing stuff as a family.
You’ll chuckle when you read about my dad telling my sis to buy a card for herself from him if she really wants to! Shocked. She was always his fave. Seems the nastiness isn’t just for me. Don’t know what mam saw in him. He sent me a birthday card and I’m the one he doesn’t like. So what is that all about?
Have you got onto Trustpilot yet about your refund? Outrageous! If they aren’t letting you in they can’t keep your money. Out them in the local paper. Not at all good for business. Also do the neighbourhood thing if you have that. Mine is mostly about cars getting nicked and peeps being robbed. That’s London for ya!
Off to bed now to watch ‘Crime’. I saw one series so catching up on the rest. Love Irvine Welch.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Tina,
Oh babe! You must be furious! I’m really quite unwell. Think I’m exhausted and have a cold (hot eyes, sore throat, feeling very foggy) so I’m off to bed to watch my laptop in the hope I’m feeling better for picking the kids up for tomorrow evening. Hallow seems such a long way off now and the garden will be soaking after the rain today but we’ll try and will enjoy the picky bits and cake (red velvet with cream). My sisters birthday today (the one who hasn’t spoken to me for well over a year now). Dad told her to buy her own card from him if she wanted one! It’s the thought that counts!!! Unbelievable.
Wish I was toasty infront of your log burner right now. It’s pitch black and so chilly. Off to warm up and I’ll see if you come back later on. Might need a nap. Posting has really worn me out again. But you can see my plants came last night. Was out there until after 9 with the sensor light doing a fab job over the patio. The new batch today will have to wait until tomorrow. Getting a drink on the step at the mo.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I think everyone has got a bit of something one way or another at the moment. Maybe you caught something from your Nephew. Kids can be little magnets for bugs and viruses can’t they!!
Love the photos. I tried to send some earlier but they wouldn’t work. I may try again in this message if I can.
I understand only too well about how disappointed you feel your Mam would be over your family fallout. My Brother and Sister won’t speak to each other and as you know my relationship with him is quite precarious at the best of times. Makes you want to cry with despair doesn’t it.
Really sorry to hear about the scamming. It’s really quite unnerving. It’s happened to me as I was waiting to use a cash machine. It had a fake panel on the front and people were watching those who were keying in their pins. Things have moved on sadly now and the scammers deviousness knows no bounds it seems. Plus even genuine sales people on the phone can be very pushy.
So pleased your application is progressing. I hope you get something before Xmas. Do they supply food etc?
I’ll catch up tomorrow. Have a good night and hope the virus lets you sleep.
Much love xx
(Pictures aren’t loading)


Hi Christine,
Hope you are feeling ok today? Considering you were not feeling great you managed to get a load of jobs done. Very impressive. Your plants look great - hope they all survive. Lovely photos. The lights & ribbons look brilliant.
Your neighbours are a menace to society, what the hell is wrong with them. Mind you a few houses here have recently had people trying to get into them. We are next to a main dual carriageway and easy to get in & out of, so we get low life scumbags coming from Leeds to try & burgle houses. Had a spate of them last winter. Quite scary, but think they target the big houses. People will steal anything nowadays. I had a Christmas penguin on my front doorstep for years & it went missing a couple of years ago, never to be seen again & I really liked him.
I got all my money back from the credit card company, but it was a huge stress at the time. & it took a week to get a replacement card. Glad you have not had any money taken from your account.
Good news that your niece has given you the reference. Hopefully they will come & do you home visit soon. You might have a furry friend to look after soon.
Families are a funny thing - most people have issues with them. We don’t have anything to do with my sister nowadays, but she has caused problems/strife between my mum & her sister. My dad would be very upset & disgusted with her behaviour. That was lovely of you to send some money to get a cake & party bits for your sister.
I was told my car will not pass MOT next year & I would need a new one. This chap in the village teaches people to be mechanics at the college and does car repairs/work on the side - he fixed my car door for me earlier this year after I had a fight with a wall that would not get out of my way. Anyway the good news is the problem can be fixed and will not cost much, a couple of hours work. Very happy.
I had a manic day yesterday. Bus trip to the shop, then to Wetherby with mum. She wanted to pay some money into the Halifax, ours closed in August. The Halifax was closed, tech issues. So we are having to go Acomb this morning to pay it in. Then we went for lunch to the place we always go, closed & totally empty. Went to the next cafe; 40 minute wait for food - so we trotted off to Morrisons, closed refurbing it. We ended up in pub, luckily it was a good find - food was brilliant & very cheap. The place was packed with older folk in big parties enjoying the food, everyone was eating. We will be going there again. Then mum went into major shopping mode, M&S, Morrisons followed by Aldi - hell that woman can shop. Anyway I have not been to Aldi for over a year so I stocked up on basics, should keep me going for months. Didn’t get back home until 4.30pm. Then met Alan for a drink, shattered by the time I got home. Trip to Acomb this morning, hopefully not as much shopping as yesterday. Planning a lazy afternoon.
Hoping to get into the garden at some point today, no rain expected here.
Hope you have a great day & manage to have your party this evening.
Will check back in later.
Lots of love, Alison xx


Hi Tina
Hope you are ok. And that you have sorted your tech issues out.
I am now having tech problems, cannot get my email to work. It worked fine first thing this morning, went for a shower & now it will not load. Also having problems loading photos onto gumtree, so cannot get selling. So frustrating. Hopefully it will work later.
Had a huge shopping session yesterday with my mum. M&S, Morrisons & Aldi. Stocked up on cheap Aldi basics, cupboards are full now - no need to go shopping for a while.
Hoping to get into the garden later today, we have got sunshine - not seen any of that for a couple of weeks. Very windy so done 2 loads of washing in the hope it might dry.
Hope you have a good day.
Lots of love, Alison xx


Hi Tina,
Lovely to see you back again now you are able to post. Ask the forum about the bother you are having with your images loading. I’m just waiting to leave for the kids. Not looking forward to rush hour traffic in the rain. Been chucking it down again so I think the Hallo is rained off for a second time. Garden is totes soaked and I don’t fancy emptying emptying everything out just to light the candles going up the garden and the burners will be soaked too. Will have to make it a xmas tree special day when we all help me pick and tree and get it set up at mine with the lights and ribbons. Will be nice lighting the candles to go with the festive displays and having toasted marshmallows (will it ever happen?!)
I’ve been resting with a tidy up inbetween so I have the energy for this evening. Got my shop delivered and sorted but I card came this morn so I was able to update everything online and do another shop for Sunday as the 24 cans of dog food were replaced by 6! I feed the foxes 2 a night as the hedgehog likes a bite too. But that is a relief. Will get some hot chips to bring in on the way back to add to the salami / cheese buns / crisps etc. And my cake and cream arrived so chuffed.
Creep was out there in the rain trimming his bush at front of house as I was in the bedroom. Could hear chat about me being unwell! He is so bloody obsessive, or at least that is how it appears to be. Who does gardening in the rain? (apart from me potting up my plants!)
I’ll find out if there’s anymore to the dad / birthday card scenario later. You really are stuck in the middle. At least I’m involved anymore and just hear bits if my niece tells me. She still hasn’t sent me her reference. Will force her tonight!
It’s a shame tonight is cancelled but I am a bit relieved. Have to leave soon but I’ll be back tomorrow. See you then hun
Lots of love xxx


Hi Alison, Just a quick hello before I head off to collect the kids for a non party at mine (been tossing it down and garden is totes soaked). Will have to try again when it’s cold and dry. Thought it would make a nice addition to getting the xmas tree for the garden. o that’s my plan. Will bring chips in to add to the picky bits and cake after. So not a wasted night and they did enjoy coming over last time.
That’s very worrying for you having all those burglaries close by. But if you have secure locks and cameras in the windows (works a treat on my retarded neighbours!) they’ll move onto another house. Thing is, the neighbours hear are so bloody nosy they would see it happening. Trouble is they would be the ones breaking into my house! And when my friend had his windows smashed by the woman across the street someone had evidence on film and wouldn’t had it over because she was scared it would happen to her. Behaviour orders only go sop far when there is no deterrant in breaking them. I honestly despair of the council and local police because they work hand in hand in trying to smooth things over and not actually do anything to punish the behaviour. Like the creep in my loft. He was out in the rain trimming his bushes at the front because I’ve been resting in bed. I wish he’d take his head off with the bloody chainsaw thing he uses. He must know how much I despise him and yet he continues to lurk about in plain site.
I did chuckle with your attempts at having a bite to eat. But brilliant to have found a great new place. If you do an Aldi shop again do it online to collect. I did that and they bring it out to the car. Just load up the boot and off you go. Saves all that time inside the shop. Especially with xmas shopping starting. Could do your lovely bits and then collect it for a time suited to you on the way back. I’m a dab hand now at planning my time and finding the easiest route for getting what I need. Doing nice things are rewarding because I don’t dread them.
Must dash hun. Have a school run all the way there in the rain so will be manic!
Lots of love xxx


Hi everyone
Had some more cultural adventures yesterday. Bucket list visit to Tate Britain, St Pauls Cathedral for All Souls Day where I lit candles for Mum and Dad once again and The Royal Ballet Anemoi/The Cellist double bill at the Royal Opera House. A few photos posted
Sending love and best wishes to all
Neil x


Hi Christine,
What a shame you have had to cancel your party for your niece & nephew due to the weather. Still I am sure that they will have a great time with their fun aunt whether it is inside or outside. It will not be long before you can get your Christmas tree up & have a Christmas tree decorating party with them.
I have been lucky with the weather today, no rain - a miracle. It has rained every day since getting back from Spain. Cold wind but got wrapped up well. So I managed to get into the garden and get some clearing up done. Leaves everywhere, raked them up & into the gardening bin. Will be more leaves tomorrow, it is like groundhog day. Managed to get 2 loads of washing dried outside.
Went to Acomb with mum this morning, still ended up going round the shops. She has wanted a new dressing gown for ages, managed to get one today - so a very happy lady.
Where I live is a really small cul de sac, only 8 houses, with a couple of very, very nosy old couples who do not miss much - so not too worried. My locks are great. But plan on getting a ring doorbell in a couple of weeks, on the next credit card statement. It is awful what you have to go through with your neighbours. Do you not think that people nowadays do not get punished for dreadful behaviour all over the country - we are a bit of a joke really. There is no real punishment in our country for bad behaviour - jails are full and people get really lenient deterrents for appalling behaviour. Over 38 years ago I had my car nicked in Leeds, he was actually caught in the car by the police & when it went to court all he got was community service because he came from a broken home & the judge felt sorry for him, even though he admitted stealing over 20 cars - the police were really embarrassed by his punishment & were apologising to me. Too my mind we have too many liberal do-gooders in our country. Sorry rant over.
The creep must be some sort of total deviant - why would you go through your neighbours loft into their house, totally crazy behaviour. How the hell does he know you are in your bedroom? The mind boggles as to why he cannot just live his life without harassing you. If he cut his head off with his chainsaw it would have been like one of your horror films. :laughing:
I will not need to do a big shop until after Christmas, my cupboards are groaning. I hate shopping nowadays. Mum will not do an internet shop, she likes chatting to people in the shops, to be fair she likes chatting to anyone anywhere. Hell she likes to chatter on, I had to tell her to shut up today when I was trying to park - her constant nattering is a real distraction. She just natters on anyplace, anywhere, to anyone - which is why she is an asset working in the charity shop working on the till.
Lazy night for me, chilling in front of the TV with an M&S ready meal.
Hope you enjoy your evening & will catch up with you tomorrow.
Lots of love, Alison xx


Hi Neil,
You have been busy! Always great seeing your photos and really pleased you lit a candle again for your mam and dad as a new tradition in the run up to xmas. Bet the ballet was wonderful. What was your best bit?
It’s 4.20 am and I can’t sleep again. The kids were over last night but because of the rain we didn’t go into the garden again for the Halloween party and they hardly ate any of the food. My niece barely said much at all and was just on her phone so not sure what is going on. My nephew likes watching you tube clips so that was what we were doing. He tried getting up the ladders to check out the loft but chickened out at the top. But he did enjoy helping to feed the foxes / hedgehog (although we didn’t see either of them) and doing the bird seed. I’m hoping today will be dry so I can get out there and have a clean up. Also have my plants to pot up again.
What else have you been up to in your day to day? With xmas looming I’m beginning to find it hard to get motivated again. But I am looking forward to getting the cats soon. Will have lots of pics to post when I do. Have cosy blankets and wool fleece ready for them to snuggle up in when they arrive.
Hope to fall back asleep soon.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Alison,
I was just posting to Neil. I’m wide awake at 4.20 am, wondering if my niece enjoyed herself last night because she hardly said 2 words, hardly eating anything and nor did my nephew. Hard to have fun when she’s not happy. Don’t know why. She’s always on her phone and so I know know that when I’m texting her and don’t get a reply it’s because I’m being ignored. But my nephew had fun watching funny you tube clips. He wanted to check out the loft but couldn’t get beyond head height standing on the ladder. I got some cosy blankets and mams sheep wool throws ready for the cats when they arrive. If they can snuggle down it will be reassuring for them. I’m wondering if the kids will even come back over again.
Hope to get out into the garden to finish potting up my plants but checked the forecast and heavy rain all day again. Getting quite sick of being in the house now. Haven’t been swimming all week after having done lots the week before. But Sunday, Monday is dry so will maybe’s go to the park again.
I totes agree with you on your ‘rant’ about people getting away with all sorts. My friend lived with his windows boarded up (bedroom and sitting room at front of house) for months when his windows were smashed by the woman across the road, retaliation for making a statement against her. Not sure if the behaviour orders are still in force but she’s a lot quieter now. I always have to get my MP involved to force the council into action. I still can’t believe that the creep wasn’t punished for drilling out the loft wall so he could climb down through the ceiling hatch. Who has cameras in their loft to capture such things as evidence? As soon as he moved in he was watching me in the garden, following me to therapy and always in the local shop when I was. Creepy / obsessed / intrusive. My therapist deals with this all day long. He told me to check my ceilings for small drill holes / tiny camera’s. I hear his front door every time I wake up and he always knows when I’m not in the sitting room because he will fiddle about at his van. I wonder if he has cameras watching me. He certainly gossips about me to the neighbour on the other side (his mate). It’s like starring in a creepy horror film. When the fence was finally put up I thought that would put an end to it but he would be laughing behind the fence when I thought I was alone pottering about. What a freak!
You have done well with your food shopping. Sounds like your mam is loving life! Mam did. I miss her enthusiasm, loving seeing us all. Wish I could go back and enjoy just a smidge of it again. I feel lost without her here, especially now with the xmas adverts starting. I can feel myself sliding away again. Too early to get the xmas tree to cheer myself with the decorating of it. Feeling quite lost again. And upset my niece didn’t seem to enjoy being over. She never says much so I don’t know what is going on. Had a missed call from my sis up north so she might phone me back for a catchup. That will pick me up a bit.
Will try to sleep now.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine,
I managed a decent sleep, but woke up at 5am. Now will not manage to get back to sleep, I will probably have a little snooze this afternoon.
Sorry to hear that you are worrying if your niece enjoyed herself. She is maybe stressing about her boyfriend. Lots of people nowadays are always on their phones, they are never out of their hands - shame really real life seems to pass them by. Great that your nephew had fun. Have you made anymore plans to spend time with both of them?
Hope you manage to get out into the garden today. Rain here all afternoon according to the forecast. So will try to get some gardening done this morning.
The creep is an odd one - very strange human being indeed. I cannot get my head around the fact that he knows when you are not in your front room. He does sound like a total freak.
I know what you mean about the Xmas adverts - when you have lost someone they just seem to remind you what you have lost and wish you could go back to your life before you lost them. And also brings up memories that are so hard to deal with.
I hope you manage to speak to your sis from up north, like you say it will pick you up.
Will catch up with you later today.
Have a nice sleep.
Lots of love, Alison xx


Hi Christine
Even though the weather was pretty miserable on Thursday it was just great to get out and have a me day in London. Always enjoy my Royal Ballet performances . Didnt do the stage door this time . St Pauls is mindblowing every time I go there and the Tate also impressive even if a bit hard to find at first. Planning on a similar day near Mums anniversary end of the month.
That time of the year when we are here to support each other even more.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x

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Hi Alison,
As soon as I was on the laptop at 4.30 this morn, posting here, the creep was opening his front door. There’s no noise at that time so everything can be heard, but not me being quiet just typing. My bedroom isn’t next to his door (farthest away from him) so I honestly don’t understand it but it is a recurring pattern. Seems he has stopped working, for whatever reason, so hanging around more than ever. But the fence and plastic wall has gone some way in him not being able to spy on me as far as I know. The drone hasn’t been out in the rain, and also not since I said I would smash it if it came down in my garden (was telling my niece on the phone and knowing I would be overheard).
Been raining hard but I did pop out to feed the squirrel and birds before settling down to watch them with a cuppa. Fell back asleep at about 5.30 and woke at 10. So feeling very foggy indeed.
Didn’t make any firm plans for next week. They have friends over Sunday and there wasn’t a ‘yes’ to another walk in the park or a swim today so feeling a bit lost again. Wondering where everyone is. Our lovely group seems to be very busy at the mo and not posting.
Just watching the birds. I had bought a large feeder for them but nobody likes it. Little squirrel is munching his way through the peanuts and sunflowers.
Just texted my niece about possible things to do today - swim, walk in the park, wander round the charity shops looking for treasures. We shall see but I’ll not hold my breath.
See you late xxx


Hi Neil,
Glad you aren’t letting the rain stop you doing what you love. It’s such a shame my party didn’t happen again. The basket of gourds looks pretty, adding colour to the garden, so I might just leave it out there, although it is a reminder of the non party. Getting the xmas tree seems such a long way off. Feeling quite trapped in the house but I do have plants arriving next week so will be busy planting up then. I don’t do ‘relaxing’ very easily.
Can’t quite believe November is here and our lovely mams are to be celebrated again. Just feels unreal to me, that time has passed as it has. And my lovely Porsch joining her. It’s only being busy each day that I have got through it. Wondering if I can get mam’s little xmas houses out to display around the tree this year. Got too upset last time.
What do you have in mind for your mams anniversary? It will be special whatever you do. Do you still have a chat now and again with the Samaritans? This really is the worst time of year coming up, prolonged into Jan with mam’s birthday.
The garden is a hive of activity with the naughty starlings chasing everyone, including the squirrel. Hope my fairy lights survive them!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine,
It is really odd that the creep is opening his front door at 4.30, very strange behaviour. Did he open it to go our or just to creep about? Glad that the plastic fence has worked for you and he can no longer spy on you. I imagine that you have no idea who the drone belongs to, must be a neighbour. How you keep your sanity living amongst these people is amazing. I’m not sure I could cope with them at all.
Started raining here at 11, so didn’t manage to get anything done in the garden. Really miserable now & dark.
Noticed that Tina has not posted much this week, hope she is ok.
I really hope your niece texts you back and you manage to get out of the house & do something.
I’m watching the racing, feeling a little bit sad. Plan on wrapping myself up in my cosy fleece blanket & having a little snooze.
See you later, xxx

1 Like

Hi Alison,
Creeping in the dark is what the creep does naturally it seems. I kept getting woken up at that time and then started hearing his door. Having the fence / plastic up is a blessing that he can’t watch me but also makes me wonder what lengths he is going to in order to watch me as he has always done since moving in here. Can’t imagine the behaviour changing but just getting more creative. It’s the most bizarre situation I have known that is ongoing and I honestly cannot see it changing unless he does something really drastic (and gets caught) to have him evicted. Stalking is one of the hardest things to prove because it is by nature done in secret. But he presents himself as a ‘normal’ person to other neighbours, making me out to be the unhinged one because I am so angry with having to cope with the persistent intrusion. Makes me wonder what is wrong with other neighbours that they wouldn’t question whether he is telling the truth when I just want to be left alone. Can imagine the drone is his but then it could belong to any of the bloody weirdos. My dad didn’t believe anything I was telling him about the creep, saying it was too far fetched to be real, like in a film. Welcome to my world. I wish the council would put cctv in the street to monitor everything that is going on. I honestly do not feel safe living here. But the woman next door is lovely, despite the hillbilly husband!
Finding it really hard to get going. Seems I’ve lost my motivation. But the rain has stopped so will try to finish potting up my plants and clean the bird area. Have more winter plants on the way so can get the pots out in prep. Rain from Wed. so have a couple of days to plant up if they come in time. Snow by the end of this month so will have to get started on the leaves. Sounds like you’ve been doing a grand job. Might make a pile for the little animals needing to hibernate over winter. I missed my Gardening programme Fri with taking the kids back home. So could catch up on that later. So that’s my day planned. Will get up now.
Yes, I’m missing Tina too. Hope the bro isn’t creating again. So stressful for her. Let us know how you are babe.
Your idea of downtime with the racing and cosy fleece is very different to my zoning out with zombie horror and end of the world apocalypse! With my anxiety I’m well geared to surviving in a world of fear! My friend, who has anxiety too, agrees. Have you seen ‘The Road’? Brilliant depiction of life without society as we know it. Father and son trying to stay alive. I was never allowed to watch horror as a teen. Think that is why I love it so much now.
Must get up. I feel so drained. Will catch up later with some pics.
Did you get the laptop working again for your selling? Couldn’t do the pics / loading? So frustrating. I still have to try to do some sewing. Have my box of textiles ready and waiting at the foot of my bed. I keep taking it into the sitting room but haven’t made a start. Just can’t seem to reconnect with it. Have a mental block. It isn’t even hard work. Must try harder!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine,
The creep sounds totally horrendous, a real nightmare - never mind your horror films. Just totally weird behaviour. The whole neighbourhood sounds a nightmare for you. I am not surprised you don’t feel safe. The drone takes it to another level with intrusion.
Sorry to hear that you have lost your motivation. I felt like that yesterday, no go in me at all - could not be bothered to do much at all. Was really down yesterday.
Managed to clean the house, then I just slobbed around for the rest of the day, had a snooze in the afternoon. There was a big firework display somewhere close by last night, but the weather was so bad could not see them. Hoping that tonight there are some close by so I can watch them.
I feel different today, I have been really productive today. Lovely weather, cold but sunny, which makes a change. Been gardening most of the morning. Loads of pruning done. Got my laptop working ok now, so have been listing things to sell. Been up in the loft looking for Christmas items to sell, got to strike while the iron is hot! And need the money!
Going out for lunch with mum at 3pm. First time out all weekend. Looking forward to a decent meal.
Your zombie horror/end of the world apocalypse films are not my cup of tea at all. I watched horror films when I was younger, would give me nightmares now & I have enough trouble sleeping. I like a decent true murder documentary. Or have crappy Christmas films on while working on my laptop.
Will look forward to your photos later today.
Hope Tina is ok & reading the posts.
Will check in later. Lots of love, Alison xx


Hi all,
I do not know if you have heard of the Attendance Allowance. (It is not means tested.) The allowance helps pay for your personal care.

It is for people of state pension age or over.

It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability.

You could get £68.10 or £101.75 a week to help with personal support if you’re both:

You only have a month to fill in the form and send it back. I if you miss the dead line, you will have wait a year before you can apply again.

I am not sure if the phone number is correct, I got it from a friend. - Tel: 0800 731 0122

I hope it will help you. - Please pass it on. - Nick