Hi @christine51
As this is a closed thread now, it’s just as easy to write to you here Christine.
What a shame your party on Friday evening didn’t go to plan because of the weather. But I’m glad you niece and nephew came even if your niece wasn’t very chatty. And it was very kind of you to send money for your sister’s birthday considering she does not talk to you, bless you for showing the hand of love towards her.
Wonder why the creep is not working and making your life difficult with his constant antics.
I see you are considering putting up your garden Christmas decorations, I started on Christmas. I’ve begun to get Christmas presents and got my cards out ready to start writing them. In two weeks they turn the Christmas lights on in Higham and the town has an event we call The Sparkle. The church I go to is open for tea, bacon rolls and pancakes as well as many stalls a tombola and games for the children. I’m doing a catch the fish game, a prize every time , I’ve donated the prizes for it.
Any left over will go to mother Christmas who collects for struggling families across the county for Christmas.
My knee is slowly getting better, not back to work until 20th November, I’ve seen my consultant last week who is pleased with it as am I. I go back in about twelve months to consider whether to do my other knee . The physio has also signed me off this week. When I was away on holiday, I walked nearly three miles one day, which I could never have achieved before my operation.
I also decided to give gardening a try, managed to get my front borders tidied, took it slowly. My son is going to give my lawn one more cut before the winter if it ever stops raining.
I haven’t planted any winter bedding this year, because of my knee, won’t hurt missing one year, but I have bought some more lights to brighten up the back garden. I tend to buy battery ones now I haven’t got Doug to deal with the electrics. I admire all your DIY skills.
Going to all meet up at my daughter’s soon to plan next year’s October half term holiday. Whitby or North Wales seem to be front runners at the moment.
It’s starting to get dark early, I can hear more fireworks being let off in the distance. The next town to us had their big display yesterday evening.
I’m going to get some tea soon, I’m watching Christmas movies on C5. I went back to messy church last Friday after missing two months. I made a poppy bug out of egg box for the children to do, covers both remembrance and creatures in god’s world.
I’ve just done the advertising poster for next month’s, doing all things Christmas, I’m making a hanging advent scene with the children, sometimes difficult to find a craft that easier enough for little ones and challenging enough for the older children, plus we never know how many are coming .
I’m off to put the kettle on.
Love and hugs
Debbie x
I’ve heard of attendance allowance @Nick22 , my husband used to get it, but it’s nice you have made other people aware of it.
Debbie x