Crippling morning anxiety

I’m 2 years in now and only get the anxiety you talk of at times. Mornings are still my worse time but I rarely panic. l was terrible to start with every morning. I spoke to my doctor who prescribed a type of betablocker which can also be used for single time anxiety like before public speaking. It didnt suit me long term but was very helpful initially. You could try speaking to a doctor as they may be able to help. I try to fill my life seeing other people and volunteering, as Im retired, which is my way of dealing with the life I have now but can panic if I’m going to be on my own. It’s hard but it does get gradually better as you learn to live without them.


Thank you for your post it resonates with me Take care

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Hello, I understand. My husband died nearly 9 months ago. Most mornings after waking up
I’m shaking, it’s horrid. I’m on antidepressants, they help to a point / but it’s a journey. Sending you a big hug and love :heart:


Aw sorry for you @Sarah4 … i hope you start feeling bit better doon ! But youre so right it is a journey … the most painful journey ive ever been on ;( it still feels surreal still to me ! After being married for 35 years i just can’t believe hes not here anymore …even though its 6 months since he passed :frowning: x