
What do you do when a crying jag gets you
I think I am coping and then wham out of nowhere it happens. I am just not sleeping, felt so tired, went for a nap and woke up crying my eyes out. I lost my husband in November and I seem to be completely lost.


Hi @Cruiser
I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, I’ve been crying a lot today, I lost mam in January
Apparently crying is very normal and very necessary when grieving.
When I first lost my mam I read a book, Overcoming Grief by Sue Morris. I couldn’t really take it in as my grief was too raw. I’m now re reading it as my concentration is a bit better.
I’d recommend the book but don’t expect miracles, grief can’t be hurried and there’s no timeline
Wishing you all the best :heart:

Thank you for your reply. So many people have told me that crying will help but it does exhaust you. I will look for the book you recommended. Thank you and you take heart with your kindness.

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Yes it does exhaust you, I’ve been crying a lot today for some reason and I’m shattered
Wish you well xx