Crying til it hurts

I can’t stop crying it’s only been 4 weeks since my 31 year old son passed . We found him behind his door . Funeral is on the 6/12 and all I can think is I can’t cope with the pain anymore .


Ajth, I am so very sorry for you. It must have been horrific finding him. I can’t think how I would feel if it was one of our sons, they aren’t supposed to go before their parents.
The pain of grieving is something that everyone on this site knows about and we all appreciate how you feel. Take tiny baby steps on this horrible road and you will deal with it day by day. Keep your self safe. Sending you blessings and I will be thinking of you on the 6th. S xx

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Dear Ajth

I really do understand.

My 36 year old son died just 19 weeks ago and the world seems to have stood still since that dreadful day.

Please use the support of friends and family to hellp you through these early days. Grieving is personal to you, there is no guidebook that prepares us for this situation and all you can do is take one difficult day at a time, and hopefully, some acceptance of what cannot be changed will come in time. Be kind and patient with yourself and allow others to support you.

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