
Sat here crying listening to songs that my husband played to me , god it hurts 14 months since you left me after 35 years what do I do

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@cazy1020 wish I could give you some good advice but I can’t I have spent most of the last few days in tears I lost my husband on Christmas Eve completely unexpected I’m still at the stage of not believing it to be true we met at 18 married at 20 and he died at 61. It’s too much to bear xx


I thought, as most people did , that I was getting on really well getting on with most things(while in public) , but I think everyone realises after the week I have had, that I am still drowning in grief, trying to keep afloat, but as you, this week was spent in tears every time anyone spoke to me, especially when asked “are you okay” … that just starts me off every day this week especially.

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Absolutely agree with all of your comments, that sense of loss is always just a minor trigger point away - I still can’t believe my wonderful wife has gone and in a way I’m not sure I ever will so I need to figure out what my expectation is for the life I have ahead,…

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The pain you feel at this time is so hard to bear - I feel it too. I lost my partner recently and it’s heartbreaking to suffer a loss like ours. I do find this community is a safe place where you can open up to people who understand -it does help

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Thank you for your reply, it’s hard isn’t without them I don’t know if you feel that empty inside I do especially when you come in the house and lock the door it’s so quiet nothing . I don’t know if I did a daft thing but joined national trust as a single it was always a joint with Tony , I don’t know if I will use it but I can try xx all we can do is keep going take care xx

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@cazy1020 yes completely empty inside and I’m frightened of driving the few remaining friends I have away (thought I had lots of friends but inevitably most have drifted away after initial drama) family too, sometimes I feel like a ghost - the kind where everyone starts running the other way when they see it coming…