Cumlative grief

Ive recently in the last 3 months experinced grief 4 times. 3 bareavements, my uncle, my grandmother, who was a significant strong female figure in my life, and my beautiful dog and best friend of 14 years, whom i lived alone with most of that time. As well as these passings, my partner told me a couple of weeks before hand that he had a one night stand with a women, and in the midst of all this grief, i wasnt paying as much attention to my surroundings, in my daze fell down some steps and broke my foot- although that has healed mostly now, its still stunting my ability to do things I usually enjoy, hiking etc.

I cant comprehend everything that has happened. Im so confused, my emtions are up amd down on the daily. Its pushing people away from me.

Just give yourself time to heal in all ways And let your body and brain process as it needs to. Start slow and work up… every day is a new day and take time for you… plan a trip even for say 4 to 6 weeks time do take care 🩷

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