it will be 1 year from the 18th of this month since my wife died from bone cancer . since she passed her famly have completely cut me off. i have been accused of scrimping on her funeral flowers .condemned for not going to see my wifes body in the funeral home. they contacted my friends and asked them to cut me off . i didnt even get a single xmas card . i was publicly condemned for taking my wifes name of the rent book when its actually a legal requirement the list goes on people who once claimed to be famly have gone out of thier way to be nasty . so now its me and my dog only one of my wifes friends takes any notice of me she has been really good make sure that i have one friend i am now giving thought to moving away even emigrating .
I cannot understand why family & friends would be so very hurtful at a time of such terrible heartbreak. I hope your friend continues to offer you the support you need at this devastating time. You will find many people who do understand on this forum & you can let your feelings out here.
Thoughts are with you
Thank you for your kindness
The response of your wife’s family is beyond hurtful it’s totally cruel. I am very sorry you’ve had to suffer this. It sounds as if you don’t have any off spring to rely on. I’m thinking of you as I know it’s such a hellish time when you’ve lost your partner.
love Tricia
I’m so sorry to read your post. It amazes me the number of posts similar to yours that I’ve read on here. How can people be so unkind. My partner of 28 years passed away last Oct. from cancer. She died at her brothers house in the country where she wanted to be and due to his and his wifes generosity I’m still staying here. I’m selling my house and looking for a flat so with his help I’ve been emptying my home and moving everything here ready for when my house sells. She had not been in good health for years and was in a wheelchair until the cancer finally got her. My few friends and all her family couldn’t have helped me more. I’m sorry what I’ve written probably hasn’t helped you any but I just fail to understand when spouses are grieving how people can be so unbelievably cruel. Best wishes to you Abbysdad I hope all works out for you . Lean on the one friend you mention and continue to post on here if it helps because you won’t find anyone on here condemning you for anything. You’ll just get support.
Thanks friend for your kindness
Oh gosh I’m so sorry for your loss and for your family situation. I know how difficult this is. I list my husband nearly 6 weeks ago and his brother, wife and children (all adults) haven’t spoke to me either. They attended my husband’s Funeral but sat at the opposite side of the crematorium, left immediately after, they didn’t even pass his coffin, didn’t go to the wake or anything. I and my husband’s son had tried phoning several times and sent them messages but nothing from them, no response at all. I was told by a mutual friend that it was because they didn’t approve of who we had chosen to carry Ian’s coffin and that I didn’t specifically ask his brother if he wanted to choose a song. I don’t believe that was the issue as we never had any contact if his brother before we started making any decisions.
Keep talking about how you feel, I suggest you may s register for so e counselling as it may help. If it doesn’t then at least you’ve had a fo xxx
Hi. This is my first post on here. My story is similar but not the same. I lost my husband just about 7 weeks ago. In the past we had discussed our funeral arrangements with eachother. Him being 70 and me being 52 now, it was sort of written that he’d go first, which he did. He always told me that he didn’t want his siblings to know that he’d passed until after his funeral, so I carried out his wishes. I told his adult son Immediately that he’d passed away, but his son wanted to talk about himself as usual, I’m afraid I’ve had to block his number for my own mental health reasons. I told his siblings after the funeral, as he asked and I’ve heard nothing from them. Not a word. I’ve messaged, tried calling, nothing. My husband always said, if the can’t be bothered while he’s alive, no need to bother when he’s gone. He wa right, they actually don’t care at all. Sorry that’s long winded
So sad id say you only carried out his wishes love and light to you
So sad take care lv annie
Ignore them it’s hurtful but you just remember how much you were loved lv annie x