Dad and brother xc

I’ve had a good few days and really thought I was turning a corner. But today BANG, both of them passed on a Sunday, dad from vascular dementia and my brother unexpectedly. I miss them so much, my heart aches :cry:

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Hello Maryann, I am so sorry, yes Sunday’s are not good days for many of us and you are right, a good day then it hits again and often without warning. It is one of the worst things about grieving because you can’t always see the trigger.
There’s a lady on this site that suffers from Sunday’s and she often posts beautiful, heart felt poems and she has one today under the heading of ‘Sad’ sometimes they make me cry but they are always beautiful.
Losing two special people on the same day of the week is not fair but then grieving doesn’t know what is fair. I always say “well that’s another Sunday done” on the hope that one day I and you will feel better. Take care and I hope that things improve. Sxxx

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Today the lady with the poem is under ‘be with you’.