Dad died

My Dad (77) was an active and full of live man. He went into hospital to have a hip replacement so he could be more mobile.
He contracted a hospital infection. Was ventilated and after 5 weeks on life support we had to make the decision to let him go. His lungs were so badly damaged by the infection and his had taken on so much fluid from the IVs, they gave him dialysis but then his kidneys went into failure.
I feel like he’s been torn from us. This wasn’t his time. My poor stepmother has lost her everything and my brothers and I have lost our best friend and Dad.
I have 3 young children and have no choice other than to carry on like nothings happened.
I stay up late crying because that’s the only time I have to grieve. No one loves you like your Daddy and I miss him so much.


what a tragic loss as you say before his time.

I am so sorry. torn from you, I can see. my deep sympathies.


@Glindey I am so sorry for your loss. You cannot go on as if nothing has happened. Your whole family has suffered this awful loss and each member will grieve in their own way. The pain of loss can be severe and paralysing but grieving together as a family will help all of you. I suspect you are all trying to protect each other by staying silent or saying you are coping. We all do this but I soon found that this does not help. It increases the emptiness and pain. Reach out to each other, exchange memories and grief. The load will lighten because it is shared.