Dad just passed

Just lost my dad 2 weeks ago.


Dear Stephanie1, I am so sorry that you lost your Dad. I lost my father in October 1989 and although it is such a long time I will always miss him. Do you have any family or friends who can support you? Sending you lots of love and hugs.

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Yes I do thankfully. Just feeling it at the moment


@Stephanie1 Sorry about your Dad. The early days are truly horrible after a death. Your brain & emotions aren’t in sync. My Dad died 17 weeks ago today & the pre funeral stage of grief was particularly hard. I’ve found you’ve just got to let the grief wash over you. Stay occupied. I have a new love for mindful weeding :laughing: very therapeutic. Talking about them helps too. (Dad not weeds) over the following weeks, you’ll experience every kind of emotion so be kind to yourself. X

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Thanks Cee. Feeling a bit raw still but I have been keeping busy which is helping. I also have a very busy job but finding it hard to focus. My mum is still alive and living in a care home. She has advanced dementia and so it has been really hard explaining to her what has happened but I think she understands on some level. Funeral is on Friday. Early days I know x


@stepton I hope tomorrow goes well. Thinking of you. Best wishes. X