
My dad passed away a couple of days ago he was terminally ill with lung cancer only diagnosed 5 weeks ago lost a lot of weight but was determined to carry on he got a chest infection went into hospital on the Thursday and died last Tuesday I can’t believe he is gone he was my only family and we lived together I have great support from my work colleagues and friends I keep waking up expecting him to be here I turn and look at the settee thinking he’s there I feel so alone at times miss him so much


Hello Jackie35
So sorry about what’s happened to you.
We lost our Mum on Thursday, similar circumstances.
I lived with Mum too and her absence is overwhelming. Part of me thinks she will come back from the Hospital and that things are just temporary.
It’s good to have your friends and colleagues but as you say, it doesn’t take away the aloneness.
Words don’t help I know, but I do send compassionate thoughts and hope you are managing to take care of yourself.

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