

It doesn’t make any sense does it. My dads funeral was a week ago today and I feel really flat and lost with time. I was so busy and on edge for the short six months he was ill to go from that, to arranging the funeral to now “what do I do with myself” but also have days I just can’t even move.

I don’t know about everyone else but I just feel like grief hits you in waves and it’s the smallest things that make you feel inconsolable.

Virtual hugs to you all

Hello everyone
I lost dad 4 1/2months ago and still expect to see him when I visit mum. Feels like forever since I last saw him and yet the time has flown by also.
I am still off my work and find it difficult to face people. My personality has changed from outgoing and fun loving to anxious and nervous all the time. I could lie in bed for the rest of my life it’s only coz of mum I actually get dressed every day (then back into my PJs)
I have recently joined a fitness centre as part of my going back to work plan. I finally went swimming yesterday, which I actually quite enjoyed after putting it off and making excuses for weeks. I’m hoping this helps me mentally as well as physically. It’s very early days for all of you.
Sending love :two_hearts:

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