
My dad passed on the 21st March and it been very hard for mum and me we are crying :sob: every day
He was the best thing in how life’s

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Hi Bubblegum,

I’m sorry for your loss.

I lost my lovely dad 5 and a half months ago. It’s incredibly difficult to lose a parent and no one prepares you for it.

I have found support here, I hope you find the same.


Dear @Bubblegum

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your dad. Crying is normal and a natural grief reaction. It is ok to cry. Grief is a horrible rollercoaster journey of emotions with good days and bad days.

There are some useful resources by Sue Ryder which may be of help to you which I have listed below.

  • The self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you through your grief called the Grief Guide
  • Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS. This service is also useful for family and friends
  • Information on the Stages of Grief
  • Our Bereavement Information pages which can walk you through what you are going through
  • There is also a blog on Losing a Parent which may be of help and support to you.

Take one day at a time, grief is a journey and not a race. Take it at your pace. Please continue to reach out here and talk. It will help. You are not alone, we are all here for you and your mum. We understand the pain of losing a loved one.

Take care. Sending you hugs.

Peppers xx

Thank you for you support I keep looking at he chair and he not there
I just want to give him hugs

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I understand. My dad and I were incredibly close and everything is a reminder that he’s no longer here. I would often have my parents over for dinner and we all had designated places at the dining table. Now I’ll cook and it’s just for my mum and dad’s chair is empty. I have a photo of him from a holiday we had in July and I have put that on the table near where he would sit. It brings me comfort to glance over and see his photo. I also love to talk about my dad and luckily my mum does too. Talking about him makes me feel close to him.

Always here if you want to chat.
