Daughter taken

My daughter Keeley was tragically taken in 2019
Keeley was the second of my 3 children and just turned 20 , that day was the hardest day of my life , I can’t put into words that feeling hearing she was gone , We had to wait nearly 10 months for the court case and the verdict for her murder , and still it was no help to the emotion and grief you suffer everyday wondering why and how? The sleepless nights thinking what she went though , I’ve never had counselling thought I could do this nobody would understand, I I’m still lost and feel angry and emotional still

I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. My daughter also was tragically taken from me in 2013. She was the youngest of my 3 and was 23 years old. I know the pain is unbearable along with anger and me personally guilt that i wasn’t there to protect her. She was and still is my baby. I hope you get the justice your daughter deserves and yourself and your family. My daughter didn’t but got a bit of justice at the inquest when they delivered an open verdict. I myself didn’t start to grieve properly until after the inquest when everything had finished and we was left to get on with our lives. That is what life i was left with without my beautiful girl. I am so sorry once again and sending love to you x

Thank you and I’m so sorry for the loss of your daughter too . You have to live with the guilt that you couldn’t be reached at that time and for me that’s heartbreaking, I know she would have shouted out for me and that haunts me , I’m so sorry that for you that you had no justice :cry::cry: thank you for understanding xxx

I know my daughter would of cryed and wanted me too. That breaks me. I do understand how you feel and im so sorry you are living through this. Stay strong x

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