Dealing with it

So I lost my 12 year old brother last July and the following July I lost my mummy. Feel as if the universe is against me and keeps giving me bad lemons, is it bad that I haven’t grieved either of them yet. I still wake up expecting a text message from my mummy then the disappointment comes after.

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Hi shona
I’m so sorry to see that you have recently lost your brother and mum. That is so much for you to have to deal with. Who do you have to support you?
Do you have your dad or other siblings or friends that you can talk to?
Cheryl x

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Hi Shona
How very tragic for you.
I’m so sorry for your losses.
I hope you will be able to find some comfort in that your beloved brother & mummy are together again. I think our minds & bodies process shock/loss & sadness in so many different ways.
I was wondering too if you have any other siblings/parent/friends/ family that are supporting you at this horrendous time?
Keep messaging on here as everyone is able to identify and understand as we are all experiencing loss/grief/sadness/heartache/disbelief.
I lost my mum years ago & I lost my beautiful beloved son nearly 10 weeks ago & I feel distraught but at the same time disbelief. It’s so so hard & I know I couldn’t survive without support from others.
Sending love and strength to you & everyone sadly on here x


So sorry for both your losses i lost my dad 4 years ago and my partner 9 wks ago today i feel strange i feel numb in a way no tears tbh i dont know how i feel dont feel bad just take each day as it comes and if you dont cry dont worry it dosent mean you never loved them grief affects people in different ways x


Hello thanks for the reply! Yes I have two younger sisters and an older brother, I still have my daddy and I have a wonderful girlfriend even though I have so much love and support in my life sometimes I just feel like I shouldn’t feel loved or even sometimes feel guilty for smiling and laughing. I feel as though I should be crying or something.

I’m so sorry for your loss I’m sure it was so hard losing your son I know when my brother died my mummy was devastated she was a completely different person. I hope this group has brought you some sense of support and friendship x


Hi Cheryl yes I ha e two sisters and a brother, I have a lot of support but sometimes it’s just so hard to talk to people who going through the same thing I’m usually the backbone of the family they would call me a steal ball cause I never open up or talk about how I’m feeling etc x

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Thank you…I too am a very different person since losing my son. It’s so heartbreaking & I have no idea how I’ll ever live the rest of my life without him :broken_heart:
I have to try & be strong for my other son who is totally lost without his brother who was also his best friend. It’s all just a horrendous nightmare. Love & hugs to you x

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