Dealing with the loss of a parent

Hey everyone Josh here, I’m 19 and student. This is my first post as I feel like I need to reach out and talk to people other than my family who are dealing with loss. I lost my Dad two months ago to a heart attack. We had a very difficult and abusive relationship when he was alive but we had so much love (and I have hate) for each other. He was a broken, alcoholic and I tried so hard to help him even when no one else would but the last year of his life I wasn’t present. We spoke once or twice on the phone and I WISH I could have the opportunity to say goodbye or even scream and shout at him again. I don’t know what I’m expecting from this but here is my story.

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Hi Josh, I’m really sorry to hear about your Dad’s death and how you’re feeling. Its really good you’ve reached out. This is a good site, full of people who understand the pain of loss. I had a difficult relationship with my Mum, who died last year. Really different to how you’ve described yours but I’ve experienced a lot of conflicting emotions and memories since her death.

Please use this site to vent, ask questions. There’s always someone who understands, at least a bit. Its really helped me feel less alone. Take care.

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Hello Josh, it’s sad when we loss a parent whether a nice loving parent or not, we still miss them horrible. I am pleased you have found this site, one way or the other the loss is same, it may differ for each of us but the feeling can be similar, guilt, sadness bewilderment and loneliness plus lots of other emotions that grief brings out in us. Scream, cry and shout and in time things will seem a bit better. Look at others post and comment because that’s what we are here for. You take care of yourself. S xxx

Thank you for your reply. I will be sure to check out other stories xxx