Death abroad - getting post mortem report

My brother died in Tenerife in December. My sister in law has been trying to get the post mortem report ever since via the appropriate route. We’re told we may never get it. Has anyone got any advice?

Hi @Matt1
Sorry to hear of your sad loss, & all the upset this extra stress must be causing you. I’m not expert, but as next of kin you should be entitled to any relevant paperwork, like post mortem report & death certificate, though I think you have to request them to send it in English. If in doubt, always ask citizens advice, maybe look on government websites, they usually have useful information, alternatively, ask your solicitor to handle it, though this will cost. I hope it all gets sorted out. Sending hugs of support.

This is a link to the government website. Hope this helps.

Looking through the info, the British consel should be able to advise you how to obtain the post mortem report.

Thanks. We have been following the government and coroner’s advice for 6 months including the links you have shared which we found straight away. They’ve all been absolutely useless.

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Blessings I am so sorry to hear of your loss I do understand your situation my husband died abroad and even to get a death certificate was very difficult and time consuming Eventually we had to bribe various people to get a copy of the death certificate months after his actual death After that there was so many problems with other paperwork I needed to resolve his estate I just gave up As it was too stressful and too expensive to employ a local lawyer I do hope your problems are solved and sorted soon it just makes the situation so much more frustrating and stressful

Hi. That’s very upsetting to read. I had a response from the consulate who said it can take 12-18 months to get a copy of the report. I have no idea why it takes that long.