Can anyone help me cope with the death of my my best friend.
Its a pain and loss ive never felt before
Ive lost my father my grandparents my aunties my uncles my cousin’s
But losing my best friend is a loss i don’t understand the pain is unbearable
And i haven’t got her to help me.
And I only had one true friend i trusted
Hi @Kerry96
Thank you so much for sharing this with the community I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.
Take good care,
Sue Ryder Online Community team
Kerry, my best friend died 35 years ago and I still miss her. No one finishes my sentences like she did, no one knew the secret words that made us howl laughing or gag remembering what they meant.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is horrible. No one can replace my friend or yours. It is hard, but just be grateful you had such a friend in this life.
Much love.
Hi Kerry
I lost my best friend 3 days ago. I’m suffering so much. Tears flow readily and the intense pain is constant
I’m grateful for her friendship for so many years and helped me more than she would ever know
Whilst it’s difficult to give advice on coping I try and focus on the times we had and what she would be wanting for the time I have left here. Would want me to move forward and find happiness where I can. Easy to say I know when hurting so much. Take care of yourself. Andy.