Death of husband and partner.

My husband died 14 years ago.
My new partner died 5 years ago.
My daughter cut off all ties with me 3 years ago when i met my new partner. My two grandsons never see me as are forced to be loyal to mum.

Its pretty dire for me.

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Hi @Linmasters I’m so sorry you have had so much loss in your life. You must have really struggled over the years especially with your daughter stopping contact.
Is there a way you could try and reconcile ?
I hope this site gives you some support needed - it is filled with people going through similar circumstances but who are willing to share some support and kindness

Make sure you are looking after yourself and are kind to yourself. Xx

No my daughter has made her mind up. I have seen her behave to others in the same way. She feels wronged and thats not allowed.

Oh @Linmasters that sounds like my sister.
After my husband died I said to her that I didn’t think my family had been very supportive when he was in the hospice - none of then came to visit him even though they knew he was dying.
So she stopped talking to me - ignored me when I met her in a cafe - the friend I was with was appalled - and hasn’t been in touch since. She did the same to my mum a few years back.
I’ve decided that I don’t need that behaviour in my life as it’s shit enough already !!
Hard for you though as it’s your daughter. I’m so sorry. Take care xxx

Thanks so much. I suppose the hardest is the grandkids have become estranged too they are 17 and 14. I imagine the comments at their home are pretty toxic.

Your right we must just move on and dont need all this hassle but its distressing that family would fo this hen were having a bad enough time as it is. So sorry for your loss xx

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Hello how are you? Being on your own someone to talk to is what I miss. Yesterday was a mixture really. One the one hand triggers then the other hand I decide to do some weeding because after the wind and rain it was easy as the ground was soft. It is somewhat relaxing. I fell asleep and as usual woke again in the small hours. Bank holiday week end so trying to think of some inspiration. Have you any plans?

Hi @Enorac
It is so hard without our person to speak to isn’t it.
I’m finding that even though I might have people round me I feel so lonely as I don’t have my husband here to tell about even the mundane stuff.
I’m trying not to spend all my time talking about it to others as I think they feel I should be moving on, but I’m still stuck. I think it will take a long time to process the harsh reality of this new life. I often wonder how people manage to do that.

How are you doing ?
It’s good you are doing things like weeding to help calm the mind and keep active. Have you got any people you can meet up with over the weekend - or hobbies to keep up ?
I’m going out for dinner tonight with my father-in-law and 2 of my kids. I haven’t seen him for a while and I feel a bit bad about that but he lives around 2.5 hours drive away and I suppose I’ve been spending all of my time being at home for my kids.
Other than that some walks with the dog and trying to get some housework done.
Take care xxx