Death of husband

Hi I lost my husband suddenly from a seizure 3 weeks ago , we had the funeral Friday. The grief bomb is so overwhelming and I’m going to some very dark places in my head , I’m trying to take baby steps but I just end up taking steps back. The mornings are so hard , the evenings are so hard , if this will be my life forever now I know I won’t cope :broken_heart:


Im so very sorry for your loss.

We are all here for you, we all understand, we are going through it too.

I know you’re trying but honestly baby steps and one day at a time are the way forward. You’ll have ups and downs along the way. Its like being on a big rollercoaster.
Hopefully in time the ups will be more than the dips.

There’s always someone here to listen, and it does help.
It’s helped me through some very dark times.

I’m 16 weeks into this journey now and it does get easier to bear.

Sending you big hugs x



So sorry about the loss of your husband :heart:

You’ve found a good safe place to vent and seek advice. The community is really supportive and always here when you feel you need someone. Keep reaching out.

I hope your day gets better :smiling_face:

Have a look at some of the topics, you may be able to relate. Xx


As @Liro @Katyh have said, you will find support here.

We totally understand.

Baby steps are achievements.

Please give yourself credit for them.

Sending a very big hug.


Rose xx.

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Hi so sorry …itsca massive endless journey…i lost my husband 10 months ago and i now see some light…its so horrible at the beginning so much pain trauma. But just take it easy hun


Hi @Sunset2023

Sorry for your loss :two_hearts:

Would you share what light you can see please? It would be nice to hear some positivity. Alot of us are in a dark tunnel at he moment and could do with some hope :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I lost my husband 3 weeks ago today, we knew it was going to happen but not so quickly. Its so painful isnt it. Im sitting in his chair as i cant bear to see it empty, ive been busy all day but in the evenings i miss him so much it is crippling. Trying to stay positive and remember the good times and fun but its very tough. I have to have faith that it will become bearable. A good friend, who lost her husband 3 years ago, said she has not learned to live with it she has learned to live around it. I have to do the same im 57 years old and i must have a life, as my husband told me! Very best wishes to you, i feel your pain and understand.


So sorry you are feeling so lost @Amanda101
The early days are so hard but you do have the strength to keep going. We are all on here feeling your pain and our own and we are all still fighting to get through each day.
Keep checking in here and get some of the support you need at the moment. Lots of good listeners and support and love can be found here even in the darkest of days
Sending love and strength xx

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I fully agree with the notion of living around it
I see the phrase “moving on” thrown around and it’s a fallacy - you don’t move on. You adapt through necessity.
Life will never be the same and have to accept this is part of your life journey now and learn to live around it


I like the idea of moving forward with grief - your grief doesn’t go but you keep living and moving on.
Staying in the same place isn’t good for us at all - we might get stuck at points along our grief journey but if we don’t try to keep going then we will lose all hope and sense of reality. That happened to my mum and 7 years on she is still stuck and refusing to accept any help. Her life is now so isolated and lonely and her health has deteriorated, which didn’t need to happen. If she had tried to deal with her grief she could have been able to support me in mine, ut instead she can only tell me it never gets any better, which I am choosing not to believe, otherwise what would be the point.
Sorry am rambling now. Just feeling so very sad and lonely.

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Wise words thank you and i will get there, its certainly going to be a very different life without him.

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