Death of my Dad

Just dont feel normal - loosing my Dad - cant sleep cant focus - keep thinking he is still here just away for a bit - going through coroner as hospital death and totally unexpected- i feel ill - what can i do xx

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I am so sorry. I lost my dear dad so I know.

there is nothing you can do. all you can do is take this time to feel the grief.
in a way, your job now is to mourn. there will be no other time in the future to mourn him and his loss as now.

it is a terrible passage in life, among the worst.
we can only go through it. drink a lot of water as grief is dehydrating.
do little. also, my nerves were shot so I sheltered from the world. when you cry let it all out. grief is master here, I’m afraid.

I am so sorry as I know it is so terrible. :heartpulse:


Just take care of yourself because that is what your dad would want, right?
I know grief is possibly the toughest thing one can experience, and I would please cry it out, keep going out in nature, talk to other people in your life or message people in this community, because people here understand every emotion

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Thank you so much, I appreciate the replies, I am just taking one day at a time and I’m trying to find a way to support my Mum, what do I say to her, how can I help her- its so so tough xx

I can understand, sometimes you don’t have to say anything, just be with her or spend time with her as much as possible. Try to see if you and her can stay busy or have a routine. Also, understand there will be days you will feel low, full of anxiety and continuous crying but that is normal and part of grief, try to be kind to yourself

Im so sorry to hear you have lost your Dad, I too just lost my Dad and feel like inside Im a mess. I hope and pray in time you heal, your Dad will be with you always watching over you and being ever so proud of you. Im new to this group but happy to listen when ever you need a chat . Take care

@GingeO Sorry about your Dad. I lost mine 13 months ago & those early days/weeks are especially tough. I remember thinking how do I move fwd from this, but you do some how. At times it’s very much a crawl as you learn to manoeuvre around your loss. There are still days where grief springs a surprise or I remember the torment of his final day. There’s nothing you can do to change things but you can look after yourself. Self care gets overlooked during a bereavement, like you, I felt ill with it all. Routine kind of helps with that, even little distraction-type things. Take care x