December 23rd (Poem)

Today, December 23rd, another Christmas nears
I try to keep tradition up while holding back my tears.
I know I have been blessed for all the many years
of love and joy and times we had to share.
The presents wrapped, the tree is lit, the wreath upon the door
but pondering all the Christmases past the tears begin to fall.
This Christmas will be different
for a very special loved one has received God’s final call,
Then I dry my tears and say a special prayer.

Dear God,
My gift to you is that soul I loved so dear
I thank you for his life and love
that I was so blessed to share
Now all that I can ask of you is to keep him in your care
I also want to offer you my each and every tear.
Now I promise to make Christmas joy for those I still have here
and put a smile upon their face while we have time to share.


Yes, Christmas. Can’t say anymore. Thank you so much for all the love heartfelt poems that you share.S xx

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Thank you Susie.
Best wishes for 2022. Let’s hope it’s a better year.
Take care x