
I was the one to make the decisions, pay bills etc - obviously I’d ask hubby’s opinion - then he’d laugh and say “you’ll do what you want anyway”. If I thought it was a good idea, he was happy to go along with things.
Now I second guess my decisions - how silly am I??

Our scenery is wonderful, even in the rain. :woozy_face:. Enjoy the break away.

G. X

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I just got lazy about making decisions and paying bills. It confused things if we both did it. Now got to get back into it but not generally indecisive. I do hate Sundays.

I used to take care of all the bills so when my husband passed away in December 2021, i knew i would be able to cope with them. Its all the other things i have a problem with, the decorating and his garden. I try to deal with these and some days i feel as if i can achieve something, like i decided to repaint the bathroom, well ive started but yet to finish, getting on for 3 months now and still not completed. Its the same with the garden, trying to keep on top of it is a nightmare as i hate creepy crawleys. Was doing well the other day and bagging up some weeds when a frog jumped out at me. Well that was that, no more work in the garden that day.
These mundane things were my husbands domain, not mine. I feel as if i am letting him down


Gosh it is the other way round for me. I like doing the garden but haven’t strength I used to have when I was younger so pay my sons to help me with the stuff I can’t do.
When my dad died I liked doing his garden as my mum couldnt but that was 29 years ago. My late husband helped my mum with the bills as she never had known how and I got her all the benefits and help she was entitled to. She paid neighbours out of her benefits to mow the grass. So she had nothing to do just get a bit of shopping and all her bills were on direct debit we set up.
However, it is a different story for me now my husband has died. I can do easy household jobs that my husband used to do like unblocking sink until it needed the u bends unblocking then I got my son to do it. I say his dad helped him and now we help each other so I help with his three kids my grandsons to save money but it helps me not to be so upset as they make me laugh and it is nice to see them while they are young enough. I feel sad their grandad isnt here still to see them. He really thought a lot of them.
Liked to see them play football.
Was nice today my eldest aged ten helped me get the dinner ready reading all the labels for me as I have macular. Was such a relief he knows exactly how much everyone eats. What has been a nightmare for me is sorting out complicated stuff with paperwork when I have bereavement bla. All the mistakes that get made by energy companies.
I ask if I can have large print and it comes once then back to tiny print I struggle with. I dread having to to go to the bank with all the paperwork to sort.

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