Delay from coroners

Hi im just wondering if anyone else has a delay from getting results from the coroners? My wife passed away july 15th 2022 and i am still waiting to know why she passed. I have recieved one letter saying they are backlogged due to covid but also because they are waiting for pathology who also deal with the living! Is anyone else in this position? Thank you im in south wales


Wow that’s an incredibly long time. Was there unusual circumstances? Have you had the funeral? Sorry, 20 questions. I had my results in 3 weeks and thought that was too long.
I would pester the coroner’s office, keep ringing to get answers.

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Thank you for your reply. Yes we had a funeral with a temporary certificate and unusual as she was 32 and passed away at home but i dont think it was a difficult case. They just keep telling me theybare waiting from pathology who said they have a difficult time because they deal with the living too so they have to work out a balance and i thought that was really rude!


@Princessjulz a whole year though, that’s a joke. 32! I’m so sorry, that’s so young. How are you doing?

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They said when she passed, there was an 8 months delay which i thought was bad enough but trying to get through a year anniversary without knowing why she passedis horrendous. I thought i was doing ok recently then this week bam i have been sobbing and staying in bed. I just miss her so much i hate life without her. Thank you for asking grief is so lonely. How are you doing?


@Princessjulz I’m ok on the whole but have days where I’m a complete mess. I know he’s not coming back but I still ache for what should have been and I miss him so much but I’m surviving. Have a lot of firsts coming up so watch this space lol


Firsts are hard. i found the days leading up to them were worse than the actual day. Trying to do something you enjoyed together can help like our special place was new quay wales dolphin watching so that’s where i spent the day when it was the 1st year.

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Hi, so sorry for your loss. My son passed away 17 March 2023, I am waiting for the coroners full report, as waiting for toxicology etc. I have had one phone call which was helpful and they were so kind, I was crying. I was given a provisional date for October, but may be delayed, I am able to view on the local council website when inquests are being held etc. I’m not sure if what I have put is any help to you, all I know from the waiting it is so difficult to deal with. Take care x


Im so sorry for your s
must be in terrible pain i done cpr on my wife its absolutely devastating and my mother in law is not coping well so i can understand from her perspective. Thank you for replying i hope you dont have to wait as long as i have been its so awful that we are waiting. I just wish i had a clue of why she passed but I don’t so i really need to know to help me heal. I keep a look on the coroner’s website as i still dont even know if there will be an inquest . Appreciate you reaching out take care x