Delayed Grief?

Hi everyone. I’ve just joined this group after having a dreadful 7 weeks!! Lost my beloved hubby 16 months ago, & apart from the usual wobbles, I’ve kinda been ok ish. In July a very dear elderly friend became I’ll with the same condition as my husband had, and sadly he passed away on 13th August. Well, it’s absolutely sent me spiralling downwards! My anxiety is sky high, I’m depressed (I’m on meds) & all I want to do is sleep. Counsellor says it’s grief related, like it’s opened a big nasty box! It’s just awful. Really feel that I’ll never come round, & I’ve got the funeral to face on Thursday :frowning:. Anyway, thanks for listening. X

So sorry that you have had such a bad time recently. I hope you get the support you need.

This site is very good with people understanding exactly how you feel. No-one else seems to. Everyone just expects you to get better - like you broke a leg.

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One thing I know is that we all really do feel for you,genuinely so because we have either been there or still there,you have done really well so far but you know better than me that the grief never goes and catches you out at any time. I send you my hopes that things get better for you. xx